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haga11111 Blog

Level 29 + New Emblem

Well, I've reached level 29. Just one more till 30. Yayz.

Also, that's a really pathetic emblem. I mean, why do we get an emblem for voting on something so... negligible?

Finally, in case you didn't notice by my recent dip in activity, school started for me last week.

FFV + Super Mario Sunshine

Yep, they both arrived the other day. I've just been too busy playing them to blog about it.

So far, it's a tie between FFV. FFV is a bit more challenging, especially considering that I'm very under-leveled. I just escaped from Castle Karnak, and I'm about to head back to Walse to see if I missed anything. I didn't get all the treasure, but I got Aera, Death Claw, and all the bestiary entries, which is good enough for my. I don't really care to do a perfect game on my first run.

Meanwhile, I'm surprised at how early new worlds open up to you in sunshine. You get access to the 5th world at just 10 Shine Sprites? Seriously, WTB? Still, it's just as fun as I remember, though a bit harder because I'm a little rusty.

Absences + New stuff on the way

I feel I should explain why I just up and disappeared for five days, re-appeared for one or two, and then disappeared again.

Those five were me being at Dragon Camp. It's a Spiritual retreat for Pagans, and my best friend's family invited me so I went with them. It was too eventful to explain it all, but I can go into some details.

I got my first knife. It really is awesome. My friend got two gigantic throat slitters for $70- they're replicas of the ones from Resident Evil: Resurrection. I also got a pair of nun-chuks. Don't worry, they're padded. :P

I also got some incense and an incense burner. Plus, on the second-to-last day we went paddle-boating.

On a more negative note, a four-year-old kid went missing on the first day, which screwed everything up. We had to just sit in the community center, and it was COLD. Luckily, he was found at around 10:00 P.M.

So yeah, aside from the first day, it was very pleasant. I'd never been camping before, so it felt a bit odd at first. However, when I got home, my house felt really weird. XD

Speaking of the house, the other absence was because we were having new carpet put in. I wasn't going to bother blogging about it until later because I'm lazy, but they took longer than necessary.

On a completely unrelated note, my new watch, FFV Advanced, and Super Mario Sunshine are all on their way from Amazon. I wish I had never sold Super Mario Sunshine... oh well.

My old watch broke during the camping trip; not because of the trip itself, but because I'd had it for a year. Apparently, watches of that model break after about a year- more than half of the Amazon reviews state that their watch broke the exact same way mine did. I wish I'd known that when I bought it.

Working on a new theme + FFVI

Well, I've decided to give my profile a Cactuar theme. I'm still working on a new banner and sig.

Anyway, I'm still glad that I got FFVI. I'm Cactuar morphing right now, (Why does it almost never work?) and I'm getting pretty angry at Slagworms.

Gigantuar was fun. -_- At least I got the Cactuar Magicite. I wish it taught something new, though, like Leviathan with Flood.

So, which FF game did I buy?

Well, I've just been to GameCrazy and back. The FF game that I bought was...

Final Fantasy VI Advance!

Yeah, that's right. FFVI for the GBA. They didn't have any copies of FFV Advance, and they don't sell PS1s or PS1 games. So, I got this instead (I would've preferred FFIV Advance, but they only had the DS version)

I must say, I am pleased with this choice. The Magitek segment was a bit slow and short for my taste (I liked controlling the Magiket Armors) but after that, the game really picked up. Mog's dance was more useful than I thought it would be. O_O

The music and dialog are better than I expected, but I am a tad disappointed that they replaced "Son of a submariner!" with "Son of a sandworm!"

I'm in South Figaro now, heading for Mt. Kolm. Yes, I have avoided all the chests except for the ones in the Figaro castle shops so I can get better items later.

The reason I know so much about this game despite never having played it is that I watched part of a Let's Play of it (just up until Zoro)

I decided not to spoil any more than that.

Also, I rented Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon. (I have free rental coupons, so I decided to use this month's coupon before it was too late.) No matter how bad the story may be, I like Mystery Dungeon games. I haven't played this one yet (Too busy with FF6 :P)

Super Mario Galaxy + FF7 or FF5?

Yes, a two-piece blog. Hooray!

Super Mario Galaxy-

So, I just got Super Mario Galaxy, and it actually is quite good. The gravity stuff takes some time to get used to and Ray Surfing is too unresponsive, but other than that I really am enjoying the game.

For the most part it is as easy as people say, there are some challenging bits. Not as challenging as, say, Chapter 4 of Fire Emblem 8, but there are some good bits here and there. The bosses, on the other hand, are pretty easy so far.


FF7 or FF5?-

I've decided to get either FF7 or FF5, and I want some advice. Here are some specifics:

1. I don't have a PS1, so I would have to buy that as well for FF7 (but this would let me get some PS1 games like the Spyro series and FF8)
2. I would be getting the GBA version of FF5 (Don't have a SNES)
Edit: 3. Something I forgot to mention: I'm looking at being able to spend about $80, so if I get FF5 I might be able to afford another game. Then again, if I get a PS1 the same could hold true (I don't know how much most PS1 games cost nowadays)
And please, actually think. I don't want to be flooded with "U should get FF7 cuz its teh best game evar!!!11!2!"

I'm back now.

Well, I can finally return. Yayz.

And no, I'm not going to explain my reasons for leaving in the first place.

More detailed goodbye

Allright. I now see that I should have put more thought into my goodbye. I read your comments, and I hope this answers your questions.

A. I will be gone for a LONG time as in, between 1-2 years.
B. I will come back unless I forget (but I won't forget you all!)
Shadow, Give me your Wii number and I will add you, then we cvan discuss it there.
In fact, I want all of you to post your Wii numbers.
TSRPGU, Don't leave yet. I will be electing the new leader shortly.
Everyone else: It's been good to know you. Like I said, I will return. I promise.

I will check back here every night to add Wii numbers.

I also left Gamefaqs, Youtube and Psypoke. I will also return for them.

Micorp the Maren may end

Yeah, I haven't been posting episodes lately. That's because my interest in it has dwindled to nothing, and I don't even enjoy the next few episodes anyway. Unless I get interested again, the series is over.