I feel I should explain why I just up and disappeared for five days, re-appeared for one or two, and then disappeared again.
Those five were me being at Dragon Camp. It's a Spiritual retreat for Pagans, and my best friend's family invited me so I went with them. It was too eventful to explain it all, but I can go into some details.
I got my first knife. It really is awesome. My friend got two gigantic throat slitters for $70- they're replicas of the ones from Resident Evil: Resurrection. I also got a pair of nun-chuks. Don't worry, they're padded. :P
I also got some incense and an incense burner. Plus, on the second-to-last day we went paddle-boating.
On a more negative note, a four-year-old kid went missing on the first day, which screwed everything up. We had to just sit in the community center, and it was COLD. Luckily, he was found at around 10:00 P.M.
So yeah, aside from the first day, it was very pleasant. I'd never been camping before, so it felt a bit odd at first. However, when I got home, my house felt really weird. XD
Speaking of the house, the other absence was because we were having new carpet put in. I wasn't going to bother blogging about it until later because I'm lazy, but they took longer than necessary.
On a completely unrelated note, my new watch, FFV Advanced, and Super Mario Sunshine are all on their way from Amazon. I wish I had never sold Super Mario Sunshine... oh well.
My old watch broke during the camping trip; not because of the trip itself, but because I'd had it for a year. Apparently, watches of that model break after about a year- more than half of the Amazon reviews state that their watch broke the exact same way mine did. I wish I'd known that when I bought it.
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