hamhero's forum posts
I know why Nintendo doesn't cut the prices but it doesn't make much sense to have sequel and a original game cost the exact same price of each other. judog1how about they make the sequel 59.99 to balance things out?
how much does a game like mario galaxy cost to make? i know a game like gta4 wasnt cheap. we all heard stories about that one. i watched a "making of" for both uncharted 2 and mass effect 2,two games known for great presentation and production value. obviously there is a lot they pour into games of this type but the world has come to demand certain things from certain genres, for it to be deemed great.
games have movie budgets these days, or so it seems. i cant imagine what it takes to make a game like mario galaxy BUT would i be wrong in ASSUMING its far less than something like rdr?
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