I get it, yrs and yrs of MK and you wanna try something else again, but dont take too long please. a 2 yr gap between MK's is ok, to preserve the quality of the franchise; i hope i dont have to wait 3-5 yrs before mk2.
I hate the saying: "the customer is always right." 9/10 the customer is wrong, at least in the retail industry. But all customers, no matter what industry or product is being discussed have a variety of things in common: stupity... fueled by greed, selfishness.... "i want......" it this way or that way.
huh, seemed a little short. I thought that 20 minutes would have lasted longer, but we barely got to mk2 by the end. still enjoyed it though. Never forget MK.
Ive always read settlements headlines as the first person mentioned is the one who pays out to avoid losing bigger in court.
Then you state: "Activision has dropped the $400 million claim against EA"......"Although the terms of the settlement were not disclosed"
If the terms were not disclosed, who is to say EA settled on anything, and it wasnt the other way around? drop all assumptions, state only the facts please.
dangit dice, what are you doing? you cant even hotfix the m26 dart in a timely manner, why would we pay for a premium service that you said would never come.
hampton2003's comments