havenshadow07's forum posts
Anyway I don'have the problem with space or anything but I thought I would just make the suggestion.
To FunkyHeadHunter
Apologies if I spelt it wrong, anywho if you get a thin addition be aware it has a few overheating problems. Just figured an FYI might be alright;)
To answer the question the newer models of the 360 made after july of '06 should have the new falcon 65nm chips in them along with a larger heat sink. Thats the facts on the hardware and I have personally heard of no problems but I will admit I am not all that well informed.
And secondly, What is the point of bashing eachother here? You're not solving anyones problems by arguing on a thread. Ok I'm had my little rant so hopefully I helped someone.
I'm agreeing with all that is said! If you like RPG's You should also go with star ocean till the end of time, Rogue Galaxy, FFXII, and you may like the Jak series aswellI believe they are made by the same company that makes Ratchet and clank. The 2nd 3rd and then the combat racing are all pretty good.
This is off topic of the PS2 but for your xbox I would recommend Elder scrolls III: Morrowind! Wicked good game if you like action adventure:D
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