@RetroSEAL I think there's crouching in AC3 which makes perfect sense, I always wondered why you couldn't crouch, specially when you pressed "X" on PS3 the char does like crouching but you couldn't move forward till you released the button and then the char jumps.
@torres_unix @mohezaglol I think, I would prefer saying that religions are used in politics rather than that religions are mainly political. But anyway, yes, I know that lots of countries in the world use religions for politics, but that isn't what i was talking about, I was talking about the people you say that say "Death to America", that is mainly for political reasons not for religion.
@MW2ismygame @mohezaglol i'm muslim, and i hardly cared about the movie, or even watched it. But the problem is; what some countries suffer from in the Middle East; poverty and hard lives people live, so they can't be compared to muslims in America who may have better lives.
@Legolas_Katarn I hate the exclusive content any series does....
Though this time it's in my favor because i mainly play PS3, there shouldn't be any exclusive content for anything, specially preordering, what's the difference between preordering and buying day 1?! at some places we can't preorder.
@EctoSpartan There was something good about ACB, that was the multiplayer, it was a fresh idea. I also liked the way you utilize weapons in ACB more than AC2, It felt like there were reasons to use the many weapons you have in ACB.
AC1 was my best, and I have to agree with you that ACR was the one that felt like more of the same and I even liked the multiplayer in ACB more.
@LightEffect Lol, I'm on your side too, I think the first was the best, great story, and you had only your hidden blade, sword, dagger and some throwing knives.
hellangel_boy's comments