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hiccup Blog

A little bit of what is going on.

I have been trying to post new reviews and I am glad at least some people are reccomending them. I have been promoted in the FABLE union which that was my goal since I joined and that was like month ago. I have been playing alot of DMC and Paper Mario. I have just seen the Da - Vinci Code so stay tuned in for my review later. I have rented this movie:

and I have not seen it yet but I will when I finish this bloq post and I will also do a review for it later. I have changed my icon if you have noticed I am trying to get used to having it. I am an officer in 16 unions and I am working on being one in The Movie Lovers Union. I am a leader in two unions The Deeply Disturbed Gamers Union and The Gaming Pub Union. Well that is a little bit of what is going on well I am going to see the Great Raid and please reccomend some of my reciews thanks and cya.

Oldies but Goodies...............

Well I was just at Circuit City the other day and I wanted to get a couple of games that are 20 $ each.

First of Killzone I know Gamespot gave it a bad rating but they stink at doing reviews. So I ignored them and got Killzone.

Second I got Devil May Cry Special Edition pretty good game never tried the others but I am starting to like this one.

And last but not least Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. I love this game it is far my favorite of them all. I am a HUGE fan of Mario.

Well thats what happened me buying three games for the price 20 $. I also got a wireless mouse for my computer I am trying to get hang of it. Stay Tuned for reviews on these games soon.

X - Men 3 (film review)

Well well well...................we have finally received the third installment from the X Men trilogy. What do I think of it you ask? ABSOLUTELY AMAZING those are the two only words that describe this movie. I am impressed with the plot mind blowing special effects and the lovable chracters that express the story. First of all you have to see the second one to understand the third. At the beggining of the movie the presentation is already excellent everything fits together. I will not tell you what this movie is about but I will tell you that it continues from the second and when I mean second I mean Jean Grey dying. The movie is good the acting is pretty decent at some point. The special effects are one of the reasons you should see this movie it is MIND BLOWING it is so detailed with the special effects. SPOILERS* I got to tell you one thing  some of the characters that die are soem of your favorites SPOILER* That mostly is telling you why not to see the movie. The secret and special scene at the end is pretty interesting confusing but good. I reccomend this movie there is some humore that fun to hear. Well if you want to see a movie that will blow you away then see X - Men 3.

My grade for X - Men 3 is a A +

Over the Hedge (film review)

Over the Hedge from the creators of Shrek 2 and Madasgascar. This movie is very interesting it involves a racoon that has to get all this food for this bear he has one week to retrieve it to him or else he will be eaten. Well the racoon needs a litle help to retrieve all this food so he goes over this group of family. The group has slept all winter and they wake up and they find a HUGE Hedge. From the start this movie is exciting with Hammy as Steve Carrell playing a super hyper squirell and Bruce Willis playing as the racoon. So the whole plot is about a racoon that gets help fromt the group to get all this food over the hedge. It may sound as a tiny plot and very easy to achieve...............think again it is VERY HARD to get all the food over to their place because they have this financial lady over the hedge. Lots of fun laughs and excitement await when they go over the hedge. Though theres some problems the jokes in the movie are pretty hard to understand even to an adult especially when Hammy is around he is always crazy and can get a bit of annoying at some point. Overall this movie is a must see if you want some few laughs or if you have a kid.

My grade for Over The Hedge is a B.

A Bloq Post of what happened and whats going on...........

Well my other union is ruined by an officer or a recruit. My weekend sucked because I was sick with the FLU. Im stuck on a level in Resident Evil 4 (Garrador guy). At least I have my other union The Sci - Fi Group and its going pretty slow but it will grow sooner or later. Glitchspot has been having many glitches when they went to E3 including the union level glitch which is really annoying. I really have been working on Game reviews and Movie reviews I wish you can review movies in this site. Gamespot is not the only place that has many glitches even my computer has glitches with the mouse that keeps hitting down automatically on start. I am really working on being an officer on th FABLE union and im trying to hit 2K posts today. Well this bloq post is all about me (NO duh) I hope you enjoyed of what I wrote in this bloq post of what happened and whats going on.

By Hiccup

AND JOIN The Sci - Fi Group. http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/home.php?union_id=Shenaniganz

Level 17 Minus World.

YAY well I know this was going to be pretty quick because level 16 ir really easy. Now I am lvl 17 Minus World. I like the name reminds me of this kids name that is not famous.LOL


Well my union has been deleted with all its topics and updates. If you are a leader in a union watch out because this hacker want to get every union.

Level 16 Magician Lord!

Well level 15 was SUPER SLOW especially with the glitches going around. Now im Level 16 Magician Lord well I boosted up really quickly so Level 16 is really easy to pass I got 76% in one day. Hmph reminds me of Lord of the Rings with that name.              

I wont be here for a while!

Well I havent been at Gamespot for quite a while I just got my molars out and I am finally healed. But I just got sick with the FLU. I am really sick I barely have energy to write. Im gonna try to stay online but right now I need to rest. So leaders please dont demote me. Thanks cya soon!