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hiccup Blog

Mumbo Jumbo.

Going through alot today I am having alot of progress on Resident Evil 4 I am on the insect sewer where I have to survive and to find Ashley again. Thank God it is noon dismissal in my school I finally get out of school on 11:45 not on 3:00. Mostly there is no more work in school the only things we are doing right now is partying and burning books.Of course I am really looking forward to see Superman Returns with my little bro. This Friday is going to be my last day of school = No homework , more time here , movies , and definitely MORE games. In other areas of my life I am going to play Shadow of the Colossus:

 on speed trial I hope I will suceed at least one boss and unlock the extras.

A Car = Lots of Expenses.

WOW these gangs were messing around the neighborhood they had a flare gun so they decided to shoot it at a car. Well they thought it was just going to hit and not turn on fire well it actually exploded into smitherins. The exciting part of this is that the people that caused the aciddent were running on the news. So I see the gang and the car explode all together in one. The man that owned the car was cursing exceedly a lot. I guess the gang and the man are going to court. One fireman got hurt from the fire he had a 3rd degree burn. So that about what happened today I couldnt sleep because of the excitement.

My Secret Is Told (EDITED)

Look I cant wait so I will tell you my secret right now. When I first joined on Gamespot I realized of what it had I knew ZIT I only though it was a place to track games until I got promoted sooner or later I changed my date on the right into 1988 so I can get promoted more or people can think that I am skilled enough to be an officer and get more friends. My real date is actually 1992 = 14 years old...........................thats right you guys I am not 18 but 14 years old. I hoped this shocked you because this bloq is NOT a JOKE. Forgive me BigC that I lied to you about my age and all my friends that I kept it a secret please leaders dont demote me becasue of my age I will still be the active person that I was when I had my original year.

I will miss my X - Box.

Since I am getting my 360 I will have to see all my games and of course my X - Box to get new games for the 360. I havent been playing that much of it since that is mostly the only system I play buy I will have to sell it. I will still play with it when I get my 360 I will sell it two months later after my 360.

I will miss you my friend I hope you will be in a happy home than mine.:cry:

Posting at school.

Well this is my bloq at shcool in computer class there is a competition going to start off in any second so I am going to beat them all. He He I cant type that much for this bloq or else I will get into trouble. He he.:D

My 400 friends.

Yes finally I made it to 400 this time I did it without tracking people mostly they tracked me. I want to thank all the people that are my friends and the first friend that I have ever had was Revrick which he was an production designer for EverQuest. Which I never played that game. I want to thank Tyle , BigC43 , TGawn , RESIDENTEVIL999 , Vateorott , WILLIANKXPD , SpeedTrap , GreedyGoblin45 , and Azzazthing for making me an officer for the union.

Member of the NetFlix family and what just happened..........

Well Well Well since I am a movie buff or puff however you say it I have fianlly signed in into NetFlix. I dont know why I did not do this when this site came out available for us. The movie selection is pretty good over 60,000 movies available for you to check out. I just rented:

The Producers

Ciao , ProfessorFor my mom.

And hopefully these two movies will come out tomorow or the next day.

And it is the date 6/6/06 and nothing happened today and just the movie that got a C called The Omen. Thanks for all the people in my other bloq like PregNantDave and Eiphilx for clearing up the statement that I put and to helping other people. Well yep another bloq by me Hiccup.8)

6/6/06? (caps)

Well tomorow is the date 6/6/06 for all of us. The number stands as representing a sign of the devil. Lots of rumors in the catholic religion will mean that tomorow the Anti Christ will come meaning the End Of The World for all of us. I know some of you do not believe in this stuff but I am posting this out of the blank. The Omen is coming out tomorow the remake from the classic hit 70s is about a boy who is the son of the devil in other words (The Anti Christ). Well Catholics and Christians (like me)are praying for all to this prophecy not to be completed by tomorow if he comes. Well at least I know I am a christiam and I will be going to heaven.

But what do you think will happen tomorow?

Lots of moving today.

Ah well I have finally moved all my computer stuff downstairs to upstairs in my room. I have moved my modem , plasama screen , router , printer , and even the tv downstairs that my Grandma barely watches. I cleaned my freaking small room that I barely fit inside in when will I get a vacation :question:. Anyway I took my moms tv in her room to Circuit City to fix it it had a big fat glitch inside it so we have to sell it what a shame though I really loved that tv.