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Level 19 Gitaroo Man.

Well I thought Flicky was hard but when you hang around Gamespot alot in the forums you can pass it pretty quickly. Well I am currently in Level 19 I hope it is just as easy as Level 18.

Next Level up is Metal Slime crap that is going to be hard I hoppe I will survive.:D

Napoleon Dynamite (film review)

Right now my favorite movie in the world Napoleon Dynamite is a typical average nerd living his life. As he struggles in school he makes a friend called Pedro now there isnt a plot in the story it is just various ones it is so funny seeing the life of Napoleon struggling at school and having a sweet time with his friends. The movie really brings back memories of Ferris Buellers Day Off that movie was the teen flick of all ages......... until Napoleon came out. There are so many memorable and funny characters in the movie Pedro playing as his best friend and his goofy brother chatting with hot babes all day. It is really funny with the connection with his brother as they fight for the most stupidiest reasons . Jon Heder plays an excellent role in the movie as playing a funny goofy nerd that thinks he is all cool of how he acts. The plot at the end is mostly for his best friend Pedro to become school president and it really is funny as he says line he will Offer You His Protection. The point of the movie shows you never be afraid of who you are when do what you want you will achieve that is the meaning that Napolean learns at the end. Overall this movie is really funny as Jon Heder acting his goofy bucky teeth out. But it not a movie for everyone because some of you may think that it is too mean of what they do to Napoleon sometimes. But please buy this movie it is worth to watch you will crack yourself up until you can breath.:lol:

Finally Saving.

I saw the X - Box 360 in stock yesterday on EB Games and I finally said to myslef ' TIME TO SAVE'. I have been spending all my money on movies and more games I decide to work the double shift on my job just to save more money on getting the 360.I am going to be working alot so I wont be online that much as I am working on my two jobs one with the clothes shop and another with my Grandmas company trying to help her on some things so adding all this work I will probably will end over 189$ this week. So please pray or tell me good luck at least to get my 360 soon because I am dying for it.:D

Bad Words In Movies. Why?

The generation of movies is changing with all these F ' Bombs coming out of every actors mouth. Tons a movies contains bad words Examps Freedomland , Running Scared , and Inside Man. Some of the movies F Bombs actually fits becasue it has a link of what is going on. Some movies take it Excessively to the Max the directors are careless of where they put this F Bombs and also S Bombs. Some susrvive this crusade of bad words including Inside Man some of the stuff they say like Effing and Essing really doesnt bugs us that much because the plot is too good or it is right to say it at that moment. Our Generations of movies are going to change with all these words sooner or later you are just gonna see R - Rated movies.

There that is what I think of why they curse in movies.

Flippin Sweet Movies...........

Well I just came from Fye and I decided to get some some couple of movies that are my favorites.

This is the teen flick movie of the year. I cracked myself up when I see Jon Heder acting like a nerd. Oh and dont forget to Vote 4 Pedro he will offer his protection. I had to spend 30$ for the lunchbox becasue they didnt have just the dvd on stock. In the Lunchbox it includes the movie (which I kept) , Vote 4 Pedro Beanie (Which I kept) , and of course the lunhbox (which I gave to my little brother).

I have seen commercials about this one never seen a story that interesting. A story about six teens that want to pass the SAT test but they cant for many reasons so the only thing they do to pass it is by stealing the answers to the SAT.

Best Documentary of 2004 Mojados takes Tommy Davis by following these 4 people that want to pass the border of Mexico leaving their families , escaping the patrols , and surviving from Hyperthormia just to live a better life in America.

Well yep still collecting some juicy movies for my collection. Oh and please check out Napoleon Dynamite you will crack up hearing Jon Heder.

FREEDOMLAND (film review)

Well I have rented this movie the other day at Hollywood Video I have rented Freedomland. The story takes place of this mother that someone has captured her son in the backseat as she seeks for help she fall in the hands with Detective Lorenzo Council (Jackson) as the detective helps her more comes to the plot as accusations , discriminations , and a very cold thrill ride as they embark on their journey. In the beggining you are lost in this plot of the mother seeking for help but more puzzles and more depth of the movie will come and you will understand more about it. But the flaw in the movie it that it will give you a MAJOR headache because thorought the whole movie there will be alot of F bombs and screaming and some mixed confusions. The acting can get a little mediocre as Juliane Moore trying to act as a Psychopath and Samuel L Jackson trying to take his inhaler when there is intense sequences going on. There is alot of discrimination in this movie and goes really dark at some points and just really scary. FreeDomLand is a very good thriller about a really tiny plot into a whole nightmare of where and who took this kid. Now I have read the book and it explained it more on the plot than the movie did. The movie can get a little boredsome as you just want to skip all the unimportant parts and go straight into the action

Overall: Freedomland is a pretty decent thriller that it is worth to watch but can get annoying with all the F bombs.

My grade for Freedomland is a B -.

Level 18 Flicky

Well I have finally leveled up on Level 18 Flicky. It took me a while to reach that but I better get ready for 20 I am really scared for that level up. Well yep thats right.........................Flicky meaning = A mobile game that I just downloaded(I think). And no movie does not come up with my head with that name.

Thunder Storms

WOW I jst lost connection to the internet with this thunder strom in New Jersey. I got really pissed off because I was playing Fable The Lost Chapters and I did alot of progress but I forgot to save the game and the power went out because of the thunder storm:cry: Well I am jsut tellign you guys this because I am bored which is as usual. I also rented a new movie it is called Freedomland

 and I am about to see it when I finish this bloq post. Well take care you guys I hope you guys have fun than the way I do:roll:. CYA.

Ahhhh June 1st

The beginning of the month were I wont go to school the beginning of more playing games and buying them. The start of field trips in Dorney Park and the museums we have in New Jersey. And the pure smell of summer:D I love June I pray God for every day for this date and for this month to come. Well I just bought Hitman Blood Money and Fable the Lost Chapters today and I rented Ace Combat: The Unsung War. It plays really well at some points but it is really confusing because no one shuts up when you are playing in the air. I wont be online as much as I used to be because I am having lots of trips this summer and playing lots of games. I am going to try to beat RE4 this summer I know I am a slow poke at it but its time to come I will achieve this summer. Also I am going to see lots of movies especially this weekend. Hopefully I will reach 400 friends this weekend I am currently in 377. Well I am too busy playing Fable The Lost Chapters right now so I will see you guys and gals later.

Buying and Bought some new things.

Well I have finally got my new T - Mobile Camera Phone with its limited edition and a blue tooth side on the back. It is very high packed with lots of games I am trying to buy lots of them right now including Hitman Blood Money , Burnout , and War of the Worlds. Speaking of blood tomorow I am going to buy Hitman Blood Money on my X - Box I have read the review that Gamespot gave it so I hope they are wrong of what they said because that grade is pretty low. I have been playing alot of Fable lately so I am buying Fable the Lost Chapters

 I want to buy it because it is good , and a really cheap budget tilte that has ALOT ot offer.