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My next generation begins for me right now.

Well I know I am a goofball I changed my mind again. The main reason I did not wanted to buy a 360 is because I am afraid that it is going to explode in my house because my outlet sucks and I take alot of power with eveyrthing I have. So I am going to risk those reasons by buying my 360. I currently have 10$ right now but I will be getting 50$ from my mom and 70$ from y Grandma by working and helping them from her job. So combine that together and I get 130$ every month so I will probably get my 360 in three months. So here I go and I will start saving.

I CAN SEE (caps)

The reason I have been changing my icons is because I had this glitch that I couldnt see anyones banners, images, and pic for the updates but now I can. It happened two months ago when I changed my icon then suddenly I couldnt see none of the pics not even the banner of the unions but finally Thanks You God that I can see clearly. WOOOWOOOO. But of course some minor thing has bumped into my life now my banner was made by WhiteCloud954 it is AWESOME but when I browse and put it to the link and upload it does not show up. I did everything I can I even did apply changes and still nothing.

60256 Messages?

Just wanted to share this because I am bored. Overally in these four to five months I  have read 60256 messages. Try to check out your in the forums it is on the right and tell me how many messages you have read in here.

What will I do over the summer.

I will be getting more movies and of course seeing more. I will probably play ALOT of DOOM 3 and maybe finish it at the end of summer. I do not know about RE4 I am still stuck on that pesky part where you have to kill all those insects. I tried using a Riot Gun to shake them off but I failed trying.

I am still waiting for Azzazthing for making my banner I guess he is busy since it has been two days he hasn't gone online. Me and a couple of friends are going to be paintballing in an area around New York my gun is a Tippman A - 5 not one of the best paintball guns around but at leasts it still shoots.the game I am about to beat is Half Life 2 and KillZone.

Movies are sparkling all over my head with Nacho Libre , Pirates of the Carribean 2 , Superman Returns , and Snakes on a Plane. I will see all those during my summer break time. Level 20 Metal Slime is one of the hardest ones to pass I just increased by 3 points a day even though you probably post a thousand a day you will still increase just by 3. I just hope there isnt no level that says Abadox becasue that would be pure Doom.

P.S. This is my 100th bloq post over four to five months since I have been here. YAY. 

My progess of life.

Well I recently got promoted in The Mario , Wario , and Link Union that is making me an officer in 19 unions. My unions is raising up the bar lots of recruits have made lots of topics and some few posts. My level percent is growing on my profile it used to gain in one point but know into 3 points which is a good thing. A gif I put on my profile page about Contra I have never played the game but I just love glaring at the gun (BOOM). My banner is made from Azzazthing I just got to ask him to shorten it out a bit because it is too BIG it is a simple banner with Kratos in it saying Hiccup's Profile. So yeah a very short description of my life (I wish I had a camera).

Schools Out!!!!!!!!!!

Schools out and I feel very sad I am not going to keep contact with my friends over three months. I am missing all my buddies in the internet as well since they all taking a vacation. The only thing I got is my systems , games ,  and of course Gamespot for the rest of the summer. I am going to be miserable this summer with about nothing to do. I am probably going to buy some new games and trying to beat some of them.

DOOM 3 Is Not Scary.

Alright I was a little worried before getting this game because everyone tells me this game is scary as hell. I was afraid to put it into my console(I know I am a chicken). But when I try it it did not scared me one bit first of all the enemies are a little freaky but it is pretty predictable of where they are going to pop out. I understand Mesh being scared because he played it in the dark with High Volume. The game gives you this feeling of killing the enemy before it kills you. I enjoyed this game alot and trust me it is not scary but just.........................DISTURBING.

Games To Buy and I Changed My Mind.

Well I have bought Guitar Hero today now I can play with my friends and my little bro:evil:. While I was looking for it I saw all these games for the price of 20$. I was amazed of all these great titles such as Half Life - 2 and Doom 3 collectors edition for the price of 20$. So I bought of course Doom 3 and Half  -Life 2. I have never played Doom 3 nor the other series but I am starting to like Doom 3 even though it is scary as hell!!!

I just love the cover of Doom 38).

In my other life of events I have changed my mind of not to buy a 360. I am buying instead a Nintendo WII I am going to sell some of my games and movies just to save enough for later in the future a Nintendo WII. The reason is for me not buying a 360 is because of the price and not many great titles interest me , but as Nintendo WII in the other hand it has an affordable price plus some ga,es are interesting with the WII remote such as RedSteel and Legend of Zelda. So yeah I want my WII not my 360.

Level 20 Metal Slime and My Guitar Hero......*cries*.

I have finally reached the level we all fear level 20 I am happy but yet sad because this is going to take a long time until I reach level 21 - Rescue Ranger. I have seen many people still stuck on level 20 since I first joined Gamespot. I dont want to be stuck like this forever so I am going to be posting some more posts on the orums.

I have finally received Hitman Blood Money for my PS2. I gotta say that I am really glad to see Agent 47 killing some criminals again. Of course the AI of the game is really stupid I tried once shot a cop and he absolutely did nothing , but still I love the game.

And yes my Guitar Hero is broken not the guitar but the CD. My little brother was running with his friends around the house. I accidentaly dropped the CD on the ground when I was going to insert it into my PS2. I was going to pick it up but my little bro beat me to it.............while he was running around the room he accidently stepped on it(no joke). I am going to buy another one thihs weekend since I get paid of my Grandmas job and I receive money hwen I graduate.:D

I Will Take The Challenge Of The Jaffe.

I love God of War there is no way to explain how much I love it. I am trying to beat it right now on God Mode I really want the goodies that Jaffe put us for it like it reveals the scene of Kronos the titan of what is going to happen to him.

I am seeing the game of Brasil vs. Croacia. Brasil has just made a ghoal on their last quarter they are entering their second one. There are lots of penalties and flares going on the game 1 yellow card for Brasil and another one for Croacia.

My other two movies came from Netflix.

School of Rock:


Prime has interested me for a coupleof reasons.

1 Meryl Streep is in it.

2 Uma Thurman is in it so

I want to see these two great actresses act out. And besides I had to get it for my mom.