[QUOTE="Sollet"]KZ3 was rushed?arbitor365
the only thing that I thought seemed a little rushed was the ending. still, it was a great climax.
seriously though, how can people say KZ3 was rushed? there was so much effort put into the campaign, making it more diverse (visuall and gamplaywise) than possibly any FPS game that I have ever played. then you have the multiplayer maps which are some of the most impressively designed maps which I have seen in a long time.
nothing about the game felt rushed, but once again, haters wont let such trivialities as reality get in their way.
Everything about the campaign layout was rushed. - Red screen as the main menu wtf? -no preview pictures when selecting chapters. -No pictures even in the loading screen? -We dont get a Grade upon completing the campaign. -ugly cutscenes -Beta issues not even addressed yet; still waiting for that magical future patch GG claimed before game released Campaign wise, they spent to much time working on the Mawlr chapter, though it was Epic, the rest of the campaign suffered
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