hip-fire's forum posts
Blur takes processing powerIt's blatantly obvious they added all the blur because of all the dumbing down they had to go through to make the game "look descent" on the consoles.
yea because the top PS3 titles are actually 720p and also the top 360 titles.......ohh waiti think this cow just saw the real limits of the ps3 and is now in denial.
i know how to use the suit, it's part of the reason i love Crysis 2's mp far more then COD. i just hate the sort of killstreaks that hand the good player with a -for-lack-of-a-better-term a super weapon to mass kill even MORE people. I mean talk about breaking the game. I'd buy Crysis 2 if it had brutal melee like Killzone 3. imagine cloaking behing the doorway just waiting for someone to walk by and then bam, eyes pop out[QUOTE="Dark4ever01"]
For those complaining about killstreaks, you do know you'll be able to search for servers without those in the full game right?
And here's a tip. Learn to use the freaking suit.
If you play it like CoD it's no wonder you hate the game, as you're probably getting destroyed.SaudiFury
LOL.........oh man that just made my dayI was playing Black Ops yesterday and after a match I hear someone on the losing team say "BEAT YOU!". It took me a second to realize that I had gone 32-12 and he went 12-4 and was referring to his K/D being better than mine.
This just reminded me of that
consolized? COD-ized?My blood pressure went up the first time I saw that "tip". The most damning piece of evidence that consolifcation had indeed destroyed Crysis 2.
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