@hardwenzen: What does one have to do with the other? It's pretty easy to enjoy different kinds of games for different reasons. Playing a 10/10 doesn't make playing an 8/10 any less enjoyable.
If you only play 10/10s, good for you. But why be an ass about it?
@hardwenzen: The community is still lively years later for all their previous games. I replayed the Dark Souls trilogy last year and had no problem with any of the multiplayer aspects of the game.
I don't think it deserves the it looks great in the title. It's sharper, but it looks the same as every other trailer they've released for The Show in the past decade. Go rewatch the trailer from 2012 and you realize how they're still using a bunch of the same animations.
It's silly how everyone is only now complaining about superhero movies now. They've been a huge boon for the movie industry for the past decade and all sorts of movies have also made a ton of money.
It has nothing to do with people only wanting to watch Spider-Man and everything to do with a global pandemic.
@steamaddict: Um, what? There are a whole whack of things to complain about with award shows. Why did you go with nonsensical complaining? Bobby Kotick doesn't vote. It's all media voting, and everyone who you would think should have a vote has a vote. The game of the year has also gone to the most obvious choice every year.
@xnshd: Clearly, you're just one of those people that likes to be difficult, and you haven't even bothered to take the time to actually research what you're talking about.
The current out of the box version you can get looks way better on a Series X than it did on a PC ten years ago and it's really not even close.
But keep on being an angry Internet person because I just want people to keep doing what makes them happy. I'm glad you found your way.
@xnshd: You're really not that bright, are you? The graphical upgrades make the game look better than it's ever looked on console. The vast, vast, vast majority of gamers are on console. They're also being rolled into the Special Edition for free. You're paying for a bunch of extra content for a reduced price. It's a complete edition, and games have released complete editions for a reduced price since the dawn of time.
If you're new to Skyrim and want the complete package, it's perfect for you. If you want to replay Skyrim and didn't buy any of the extra content, it's also a perfect upgrade. What's hard to understand about that?
hosedandhappy's comments