@dynamitecop: I would actually have gotten the xbox one version cheaper than the PC version which is quite ridiculous, nobody expected a PC game to cost 70€ here
Howmakewood's forum posts
@indzman: xbox360 was great in many fronts, pushed a lot of nice "new" new things. This was not the case with xbox one on any front
@GarGx1: what drivers v driver are you running and if you have gsync monitor did you try disabling gsync on 1440p?
Quite sure they just had to shovel the PC port out and had next to no time to iron it. As it was co-project with microsoft pretty sure the Xbone version had utmost top priority. But ye it is what it is, being a big Remedy fan this surely was a disappointing thing. I still like the game tho.
Just to point out that FPS isn't the same time as Frametime, that picture could be from solid 60fps but it stutters like hell because the frame times are all over the place.
I tried with AA on and off and it barely makes any difference, the ghosting is from the reconstruction and the faster the movement the worse it gets
The ghosting is from the engine ? :/
certainly isnt from AA, DF most likely breaks it down
If PC allows you to get rid of the ghosting, turn off the AA that makes things blurrier,
And allow you to play with M/KB then it wins by default.
Xbone version looks great, PC just needs to get rid of its minor technical issues. If the port is any good, it will.
I tried with AA on and off and it barely makes any difference, the ghosting is from the reconstruction and the faster the movement the worse it gets
@Wasdie: It really does feel like it's straight from the Xbox version, esp with the reconstruction thing which imo has no place in pc games, optional at best
I wouldn't expect these games to have any extra detail on the PC version. There isn't a big enough PC gaming market interested in these games to make it worth the developer's time or money to go out of their way for the PC version.
Best we can ask for is just a good port.
Ye I think time was pretty huge factor in this as from what I picked out of the livestream by Remedy they still changed a lot of things in the last 6 months and most likely had very little time for the PC version. One can always hope they can improve on it past launch but wouldn't count on it
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