@spitfire-six: Native 1080p is all that matters. I bet it is upscaled somehow. We'll see if they hit that mark. I doubt it, especially if they are going for a locked 60fps.
Why couldn't it be native 1080p and 60fps? They can just lower the settings for multiplayer(like they do in Uncharted 4 MP). Sure the Xbox One lacks behind PS4 but that doesn't mean you can't make a game run 1080p/60fps on xbox one
I should pick this up for the weekend, most likely done with first playthrough on QB by then, this looks great and I'll most likely get better fps in it
The frame time issues are far better on higher hz monitors 120/144 etc thanks to the game only having double buffer vsync, explains why I never had such noticeable issues as some posters around the interwebs
Well microsoft is doing quite well in making people not want to buy their games on UWP, so they might just give up and conclude PC gamers didn't want their AAA games
@GarGx1: what drivers v driver are you running and if you have gsync monitor did you try disabling gsync on 1440p?
Drivers 364.72, so bang up to date (unless there's a new beta driver out)
Never considered disabling gsync, I wouldn't expect any difference when it doesn't appear to affect lower resolutions. I'll give it a go though and see what happens, it certainly can't be any worse.
Some ppl on the gaf thread reported gsync causing them issues on 1440p and running lot better w/o
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