The frame times are horrible on a 60hz monitor, gets better with 120/144 etc, this is mainly due to the double buffer vsync it uses.
The performance is not down right terrible but it isn't great either, I'm getting 40-60fps on OC'd 980ti on 1440p and the image quality honestly isn't much better than the xbox version, you get noticeable difference by using DSR to 4K, but I only managed to get 25-35fps by lowering some settings and even then it's very unresponsive and quite painful to play at.
The game obviously does use temporal reconstruction so playing on 1080p means you are not getting much better than 720p quality.
970 gets decent(40-60) frames on 1080p but it really doesnt look all that great.
So to those with 60hz monitors I'd recommend you to wait and see if they fix these issues, heck even with with higher hz monitors its not great.
It's a shame the PC version is what it is in it's current state as I really do like the game
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