You really don't need an engineering degree to understand that those are the sizes of those chips?
Howmakewood's forum posts
They should at least fix the vsync from double buffer to tripple buffer(as this is possible on UWA proven by Tomb Raider using tripple buffer)
@sts106mat: hey Nate crawling under the car is gameplay footage, there's QTE's
I am looking forward to playing it, just wondering if it will look like these screens for a few months back.
the "in engine trailer" that had cows creaming themselves doesn't really look like the gameplay footage from a few days ago does it?
Well it's quite obvious that especially the 60fps footage they showed before is bs, but the recent shots do seem to mirror the gameplay video quite well so the game should look stunning on release too
@Chozofication: yet there are people playing it on 970 and not getting dips to 20, I dont get that that kind of dips on 1440p on 980ti
and I'm not saying it's a good port because it isnt, but not everyone is having these problems
@indzman: xbox360 was great in many fronts, pushed a lot of nice "new" new things. This was not the case with xbox one on any front
Indeed. I've Shitload of games on Xbox 360 and still replay those even today. TBH i see no appeal on X 1 as its most games are ending up on PC. Why waste money on a Console when i own a gaming PC? During Xbox 360 only GEARS 1 got ported to PC , i still enjoyed my Gears Entire Series, Halo Entire Series, Crack down 1 and 2 , Dead Rising, Saints Row 1, Fable 2 , Perfect Dark Zero , Project Gotham Racing , many many Arcade games.
Ye and putting exclusive games aside xbox360 did many things better than the ps3, now ps4 does about everything better than xbox one
It seems the vsync here is the same crap used in many games like ass creed black flag for instance(where many complained getting locked 30fps on 60hz monitors). Your fps sits on 60 and all is well, then your fps drops to 59 and boom you get to 30fps then it gets back to 60fps
Vsync is still the biggest beef I have with UWP, not only does it make gsync worthless but vsync in general is poop(adaptive vsync to a lesser degree)
edit: forgot to mention that it's double buffer vsync that causes the instant drop to 30 when you drop to 59 from 60
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