What system runs QB on 4K and good FPS when there's no sli/crossfire?
Howmakewood's forum posts
@howmakewood: I thought I read or heard somewhere that they will have Polaris hence the wait for launch this holiday.
It would make most sense that they have yes, as it wouldn't be too smart to release a new console revision when a more efficient solution is just about to hit.
Question is how close to release is AMD and how much time do the console manufacturers need with those new chips and when can they get them?
They'll be much more powerful then any of the above combinations.... Look at the jump from PS3's RSX ( 7800GTX ) to PS4's 7850..... massive jump.
As for specs it will be whatever they can fit within a 200w power consumption and thermal limits.
ps3->ps4 was what 9 years? ps4->ps4.5 is less than 3...
If 4.5 doesn't have polaris GPU, what is going to make it more powerful than 390X?
@imt558: i dont care what resolution you want to call it, Im just pointing out that its not 720p upscaled to 1080p, it has been explained to you numerous times already but you refuse to believe it. Do you even know what the reconstruction does? I'll give you a hint: it's not same as upscaling. Upscaling stretches, reconstruction uses former frames to guestimate the missing pixels. If you cant grasp this difference then Im afraid you are beyond help.
@imt558: frame or frames, if it was standard upscale it would not matter, the point we are trying to get to your thick head is that those missing pixels arent just streched like they are when normally upscaling, what is so hard to understand?
@imt558: humour me where the game needs 4frames to build the image, when according to you it's just single 720p frame upscaled to 1080p
@imt558: While he might a be a known lemming, he is right on that matter and you are being really thick headed. It is not your normal upscale, why it looks blurry on fast moving frames is because it has harder time predicting the missing pixels, they are still not copied like they would be if it was standard upscaling. There was even a video linked about this that explains it very indepth and I suggest you watch it.
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