@tormentos: Yes its obviously not 1080p but it's not upscaled 720p either like certain cow fanatic seems to spout out
Howmakewood's forum posts
Dno, but do you know what would be more interesting to see? Uncharted 4 getting an 8, the amount of uproar would on a whole new level, the reviewer would most likely need a new identity
Dunno, seems like it's a game for the devs and their feminist friends to play because they censor anything that might be offensive. Other than that, no idea but then again these sorts of shooters are not my cup of tea.
The tv animations kids watch these days have more sexual content than Overwatch so it is quite ridiculous to see how some people still manage to get their panties twisted about it
The game is nothing like Destiny, Titanfall or Division. If you want to compare it to something then TF2 is the closest to it. Overwatch has more classes and more variation in game objects etc.
Why people are looking forward to it when it has no single player? Most played games on PC are multiplayer games.
The artwork is fine and nothing feels like it doesn't belong there. It may not be a graphical masterpiece but it runs fine and looks good enough, you dont have hard time seeing what actually happens on the screen.
It's a team based shooter that's quite easy to get in to and it's quite enjoyable on top of it. Nothing really screams about "generic shooter"
They caved in to that! But they couldn't get rid of mandatory online connectivity to play Starcraft II or Diablo III!!!!
Well they want to keep diablo 3 online playable and not full of cheaters like the console version is
@emgesp: Yes if Nintendo has polaris GPU it could be a real power saver when combined with ARM cpu, although I'm not completely sold on the ARM performance, but considering how weak the jaguar is, it might do more than good enough
I hear the A72 might outperform the Jaguar.
It should outperform Jaguar if the information they have released so far holds true, tho from the benches I've seen it's not quite 2-3x the power of A-15 that they were speaking of
ARM has posted some charts of the A-72 besting Intel M under certain power tresholds, this is obviously not very reliable info on actual performance
And people tend to pre-order games they can somewhat rely to be worth their investment, this is something hardly any1 can say about Doom at this point
@emgesp: Yes if Nintendo has polaris GPU it could be a real power saver when combined with ARM cpu, although I'm not completely sold on the ARM performance, but considering how weak the jaguar is, it might do more than good enough
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