@cheesie253: i can respect that
i-rock-socks' forum posts
I believe you completely missed my point. I really doubt many people are buying these for the DLC only. Actually I would say very very few are.
They are being bought because they are a collectable. They are bought by fans of Nintendo. Fans of figurines. Fans of those who love the hunt. They are not simply bought for the DLC and then thrown out. The DLC and interactivity is only a part of the package it is not the whole of the product.
If you aren't going to be open and understanding to the reasons and responses to your question, why ask it in the first place?
I don't see how talking down about some other persons purchase or hobby gets your point across or adds anything to this conversation.
If you didn't want to have an actual conversation about the subject with reasonable debate you could have taken this to system wars.
well arent we sensitive :) if you feel im being too aggressive then maybe you should try using other forums altogether and you can take ur holier-than-thou attitude and do something unsavory with it.
anywho, u completely ignored my point as well so were both at fault ;) and i got ur point; some people buy them solely to look at and if you want to buy them cause they look nice thats fantastic but the fact of the matter is there linked to DLC which you cannot access without purchasing said toys and this DLC would be considered shitty cashgrabs if sold on its own, and no one gives them flak because they like the little toys. why is it ok to make cash grab figurines (amiibo/spyro/disney) while cashgrab dlc alone is vilified? are people so shortsighted that theyll ignore the very same thing that enraged them if they get a shiny new toy, and rather they bought it for the dlc or not they are supporting it by buying it none the less and no one seems to care. im not saying people shouldnt buy em (i dont really give a damn) im just surprised that a simple toy was all that was needed to stop the influx of bitching.
sidenote - anything can be collectible so that could be used to categorize any product; ur explanation of why people buy amiibos can be used on virtually anything
or games you enjoyed as a kid but not so much as an adult (or slightly older kids).
for me its turok rage wars. while i dont hate it now or anything, i used to love it, but playing it recently the controls (like most n64 fps) are disgustingly disgusting. most of the games i loved i still love today so thinking of a game is kinda hard but turok rage wars most fits the bill.
what about yous?
Why do people collect comic books or sports cards? Anything that is collectable has an appeal. Maybe not to you but to others.
While they might not offer the most when it comes to in game content and usage they are cool to look at and have displayed. Its for the consumer to decide whether or not it's worth it to them.
Some people love Nintendo merchandise. Some people love toys. For some it's the hunt.
That's the allure.
so as long as it comes with a toy for the collectors out there its perfectly fine to release mediocre costumes or unlocks for powerups in any given game. people give evolve a truck of shit for its launch day DLC adding up to over 100$ but if said dlc were to come packed in with amiiboesque toys it would be perfectly fine. i guess so, dlc by itself is horrible but as long as it comes packed in with toys its fine because "people just like collecting em" and the dlc is just an afterthought.
so in the future all shitty dlc needs to be packed in with toys. i still dont understand how people arent upset with the concept of amiibos
i dont understand the allure. spending 13 dollars on such DLC would be reason for an uprising but if it comes with a toy who cares? i dont understand it, please enlighten me
i mean with sites like gamefaqs why would someone spend money on a guide for any other reason than collecting. i know my brother collects guides for nippon ichi games and thats the only reason i can think of for buying a game guide nowadays. that or being unwilling to wait a week for a game to get its guides posted
They make guides because there still is a market for them.
And why there is a market is because some people still like to have a book instead of some random idiots youtube video or some ACSII guides from some random site.
those "random idiots" have made it so i havent had to buy a strategy guide in over 15 years
A physical object will appeal to a kid more than a non existent digital one. Parents buy things for their children. Why do you think places like Best Buy and Gamestop ask things like "would you like to pick up X strategy guide today?"
they ask everyone if they want to pick up a strategy guide because they think i want to give it to some kid they dont even know i have?
i dont think thats right
they ask because they want to sell you more shit. end of story.
i dont see the connection between parents buying stuff for there kids and places like gamestop asking everyone at the time of purchase "do you want to get the strategy guide as well"
seeing as the new 3ds xl sold out almost everywhere i doubt they are feeling any sort of sting that would make them feel inclined to release the smaller new 3ds in NA
so i doubt theyll ever "break" but i do believe theyll just release it eventually because of "why not"
the amount of people that would actual refuse to buy a new 3ds xl and only by the smaller new 3ds isnt big enough to force nintendo's hand, but nintendo likes money so i think they were always planning on releasing the small new 3ds in north america
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