It's solid. I think SW is filled with 90% a bunch of dorks who hate anything that's mainstream. While I'm more of fan of the twitch shooters like old CS and quake, MW2 is not a bad game.
[QUOTE="Swift_Boss_A"] No more of these western imitated games like LostPlanet2 and perverted crap like Bayonetta and more lasting gems. Swift_Boss_A
Bayonetta was excellent. What's perverted about it?Oh I dunno.... the fact that she goes almost nude everytime you pull off an attack(special). I mean I wouldn't have had a problem with the nudity if the game was fun and she was half decent looking. Also The cheese factor was unbearable, in DMC it was good, nothing over the top but Bayonetta was just awful stinking cheese lol. And I know the defenders of Bayonetta would have no problem turning this into a 'Bayonetta is teh win thread' so I'd like to leave this discussion here and get back to the topic thank you very much. I would say though that the game wont stand the test of time like other awesome titles by Japanese devs.
You really don't have very good mental control do you? considering even after you say this you fling off another bash on bayonetta
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