Less boobs = a great reason to hate Activision.ManicAce
iBear-'s forum posts
cuz GS has low standards
They are illegal because of the ignorant religious government we have(who will hopefully die off soon, though even by looking through some threads like these I see we have a new generation of ignorance) who feel the need to imply their trim&tidy lifestyles on everyone else. There is absolutely no reason marijuana and psyches should be illegal, tell me all you want about it, ill argue back. I also believe drugs like meth, cocaine, and heroin should be legal as well. They obviously arent going anywhere any time soon so whats the point of having them illegal? does more harm than good. Why should someone who does cocaine, goes out and parties and goes to work the next day be put in jail? no sense Why should someone who snorts heroin and lives in absolute heaven on a weekend afternoon be thrown in the slammer? no sense Alot of you would be surprised how many people have done hard drugs just once or twice and never touch them again. Stanley09
I'm perfectly fine with marijuana, but those hard drugs really **** people up. And I know very few who stop.
[QUOTE="SecretPolice"]C'mon, it's at least a AA series here and if ya go by IGN, then even AAA maybe. :P lol, No penalty for dying? No Challenge? a joke of a final boss? a pretty meek choice of stat options? a bunch of other things. No i'm calling it a sham and throwing a penalty flag on this.[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"]
im just gonna not lie and say lol fable
bu...bu...but teh scarring?
This game will blow. Just like fable 1, and especially like fable 2.
TC, I highly doubt this game is the hardest game this ENTIRE generation of gaming on the highest difficulty. We would have to set up a battery of tests across all platforms this generation to even come close to figuring out which game is the "Hardest Game this Gen."
You must be tons of fun in real life
this sums it up pretty well.
btw, they curse so don't click it if you have never seen a curse word before.
Uncharted 2?
Really TC?
The Good
NES - Ninja Gaiden
PS1 - Chrono Cross
SNES - Yoshi's Island
Gamecube - The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
N64 - The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask
Xbox 360 - Bioshock
DS - Chrono Trigger
Wii - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
PS2 - Kingdom Hearts 2
Sega Genesis - Comix Zone
PS3 - Uncharted 2
Gameboy Color - The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages
Gameboy Advance - Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age
Gameboy - Pokemon Red
Will post the Bad Later in this post.
no OoT wat
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