go to gamefaqs and look up an nfl blitz guide, thatd probably be your best bet. I'm not going to write a huge guide or anything myself, and that would probably help more than anything anyone writes up here.
They aren't gonna do anything crazy. It's not like they're just gonna pull hologram or virtual reality technology out of their ass (both would be stupid system ideas anyway but w/e). Probably just a better wiimote and stronger graphics/online.
Have I missed something here? Everyone seems to be gushing about Blizzard's apparent disaffection with DRM and have failed to read this bit:
StarCraft II, due out on July 27, requires a one-off activation and a registered Battle.net account. Once completed, players will be able to get started with the game's single-player campaign in offline mode.
People, this is DRM. If it needs to connect to the internet to authenticate, it is DRM. What happens if the authentication servers go down or you have no internet connection? Reminds me of Steam and Stardock's rant against DRM...every time they bring out some kind of new anti-piracy technology, they advertise it as "not being DRM". CEG anyone?
most of the conversation on this thread was 2 months ago thats why
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