As long as Obama is in office, we'll be the best nation.
Thats ironic, obama will make america crumble.
He has hussein as his middle name. HUSSEIN. wtf people he's going to drive us into the ground. HUSSEIN. Obama is sabotaging america as we speak. Apocalypse incoming! omgwtfno
The poll is mind boggling, dog by a landslide. Serious question, how many people who picked dog are currently in a serious and loving relationship and have been for say, 3+ years? I'd wager zero. If my experience with girls was shallow less than one year relationships I might choose dog, but having experienced being with somebody for such a long period of time and having cared for that person more than anything in the whole world it's beyond easy to choose GF. To all the people who said "I can just find a new GF" you know nothing about love.Im_single
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