I only use it as a dvd player
iBear-'s forum posts
but I always secretly wished that she would accidentally call me one day instead of her boyfriend and then I could be her boyfriend. Well, OT, what about you guys?
Yea that's not really how it works. If a girl accidentally calls you, you aren't automatically their boyfriend
[QUOTE="ManifestoJoe"]I dont stalk, I creep. :)TreesmashWhat's creeping?
[QUOTE="Sacif"]I've got an even better one, it shows a naked girl painted with the stars and stripes. To bad I can't show you guys.
F Yeah
When that happens, I feel betrayed. It's like entering a relationship with a woman you like only to find out that she's only into you because she's trying to convert you to her religion. I want to like songs with religious means, such as The Fray's "You Found Me" or most anything by Flyleaf, but it's really difficult without feeling that I'm contradicting the notions that I base my life upon. [QUOTE="black_cat19"][QUOTE="GmasterRED"]Seriosuly, people who are Christian tend to have higher moral standerds then everyone else. Genetic_Code
It's true. Christians are more likely to believe that abortion, homosexuality, and fornication are immoral than most people besides perhaps Muslims, but Muslims don't threaten to kill people to proselytize. Christians are definitely more restrictive when it comes to their morals. If you don't think that's a higher standard, but a standard carried out to an extreme that doesn't need to be, then you can believe that.I wouldn't go so far as to say "betrayed" but i agree for the most part
[QUOTE="warownslife"]Is it guy? Also you just have to use the situation to your advantage. Nope, woman with big...assets, I suppose. And she has nothing I want.[QUOTE="Daavpuke"]I regularly get stalked by this sex crazed *explicit*. It's a pain really; she never backs off. I have no clue whatsoever why me either..Daavpuke
butter face? fat? justplainugly? big assets i got no problems with.
No, No one has stalked me and I haven't stalked anyone.
don't be so sure...(shifty eyes)
They can't be sued you're all wrong too bad so sad end of story.
hip-hop without most of the new futuristic mainstream ****
I'd be all for this thread if you didn't say eff.
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