iLiveBy2words' forum posts
No, you shoulld sell your Wii to buy games for the PS2. And there's no sarcasm in that statement either.
Guys, I hate to burst your bubble, but there is no point to the $500 deal. The new 80 and 160 gig models don't have backwards compatibility at all, so you could buy a 40 gig model and stick a 500 gig hard drive inside of it on top of buying those games separately, and you would still have money left over.
For the record, I would definitely go for a used 60 gig model.
Sigma was awesome aside from the parts where you were forced to play as Rachel. Her moves are way too clunky, and she needs more weapons. The warhammer is my least favorite weapon for Ryu, and it is much worse being stuck with that while playing as Rachel.
Ninja Gaiden 2 is quite good though. It was fun, but Sigma 2 will hopefully be much better.
PS3 Slim should be as skinny as the PS3 and come in black or silver. To cut down its size, it should save files to a 4GB memory stick with no room for an internal harddrive. However, Sony should encourage the use of affordable external harddrives for downloading demoes and adding music, etc. Lastly, the PS3 Slim should bring back the Emotion engine. If these criteria were met, PS3 Slim could be produced cheaply and would sell like hotcakes.
I'm not buying any edition. Don't waste your money on it and save $65 plus tens of hours of your life that you can't get back.
Xbox 360 games suck. PS3 games to a lesser extent suck. Wii games suck. Original Xbox and PS2 were wayyyy better if only for games like the first three Splinter Cells, Ninja Gaiden Black, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, Shenmue 2, God of War 1 & 2, Persona 3 & 4, Okami, Dragon Quest VIII, GTA Trilogy, Zone of the Enders 2, MGS 2 & 3, etc.
Well your 360 is going to burn itself from the inside anyways.
So true. Have you guys seen the 360 egg scrambler video? Maybe TC should just use the PS3 a grill & the 360 as a skillet instead of burning them.
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