1. PS3 fanboys - "derp our exclusives are the best and everything else is shlt" 2. Xbox 360 CoD fanboys - "hey I just turned 6 last week and all other games are a rip-off of CoD" 3. PC elitists - "paid 2000 dollars for their i7 clocked @ 3.8Ghz, nVidia Titan and 16GB Ram, derp whoever cant afford this rig is a peasant and not a real gamer"
Blake Jorgensen has revealed several details in regards to the graphics for the PS4 version of the upcoming multiplatform title, Battlefield 4. According to a report by Pixel Enemy on Feb. 27, the chief financial officer at Electronic Arts recently saw the latest video game from the Battlefield series running on Sonys next-generation system. He disclosed that he was amazed and stunned with what he saw, praising the graphical prowess of the hardware.gpuking
Lemmings should just STFU and stop embarrass yourself about that fake CGI render. The game is multiplatform and WILL look better on the PS4 due to superior hardware. Durango is a Kinect box for the casuals so don't be surprised if it's 720p again on the new xbox.
> Nextbox hasn't been revealed yet > Claims PS4 will look better Fail troll is fail.
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