Yes, the almighty PS4 that plays Killzone:SF at 1080p with 30fps, or Battlefield 4 at 720p with 60fps, yes, the same console that already struggles to play the Unreal Engine 4 Elemental demo even though it's running the demo with decreased detail.
And don't forget, the PS4 is pretty much a PC now, that means the graphics won't get much better because devs already know pretty much everything about
developing games on PS4 since it's extrmely easy now. No more "games will look better in time because devs will learn how to fully utilize the consoles power".
Killzone Shadowfall PS4

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim PC

That much to "PS4 is like a really perfect gaming PC". A gaming PC can still do gaming better than that "perfect PS4".
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