Well is the graphics card really important to upgrade right now?I'm focusing on a new psu first and by this christmas to get a new graphics card(looking for a psu that can handle a very high end graphics card)
which will you guys recomend?
but for now the 4650 has treated me well.It runs mw2 on high settings and I admit it looks better than on my xbox 360
sad part is I cant rely on newegg much since their shipping to Puerto Rico is a killer :/
and off topic theres been something going wrong with my monitor(19inch vizio LCD via VGA->vga to dvi adapter->4650
sometimes when I turn it on before turning on the computer I see a black bar at the bottom of the monitor like if it were some kind of messes up widescreen feature
when I turn the monitor off and on again the bar goes away
I use the monitor to watch tv and play xbox and there is no problem
apparently I think its an issue of the monitor not being able to catch the res I'm giving it which is 1360x768 as recomended by the manual
sorry for the long post
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