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#1 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
Youy said it yourself really. You have lost interest in it only after 2 weeks, so you might aswell really.
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#2 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
WAIT, I thought Mass Effect was an RPG ala KOTOR, not a shooter. Sure there are guns, but it's not a fps, right?jubino
I meant that it has shooting elemets.
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#3 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
I can't see any real completion time for this game as it is an open world or any other game of the type. That's like saying you could complete GTA (any really) or Oblivion is such time but you won't be doing everything in the game.
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#4 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
PD0 has bots but that game is just so bleh I think because games are now getting more complex and controllers have much more freedom of movement it just looks out of place for bots to be running around especially as we are now more used to seeing human behaviour. Back in the days of the N64 with the likes of Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, the maps were fairly small and thus the AI was more easily controlled although it was mainly just stand and shoot and the difficulty just meant that bullets would actually head in your direction as opposed to the ceiling on an easier difficulty. I think there are still bots in Unreal Torny games but I think they behave the same as above, run and gun.
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#5 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts

[QUOTE="carddude"]Just saying, DOA: Extreme Volleyball. That game will entrance you for hours, and the best part is that you don't even have to play!flintgijoe

its hard to find that game anywhere, never bought it tho. never will either. never actually played it. but Im trying to decide if I should get Psychonauts or Fable. I didnt play either one. What would u guys recommend?

Both are awesome. Do you feel like a light RPG, mash a button and sword combo, and use magic, and follow a storyline-like game? That would be Fable.

If you want a platformer with truly creative and funny dialog and charcters, get Psychonauts.

If you can't decide then get Psychonauts because the game could use the sales. And it is the "cool" game to get. Few have played it, and it is awesome.

Get Psychonauts. It was the best game that no one bought back when it was originally released. I have it on disc but i'm gonna buy it again as it only runs through component and my tv doesn't displays blacks through component very well so there is 1 part that is impossible to play like it so now I can play it through the VGA :D
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#6 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
JET SET RADIO FUTURE No stores have this game that I can find and it's pretty hard to track done online
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#7 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
I too was enjoying vet up until this bit. There just doesn't seem to be any sort of way to do it without sort of cheating and looking up ways on how to do it. The continuous spawning is just a joke really, it should'v ebeen designed so that a certain number of enemies spawn so it feels sort of pointless when you kill people as more and more are just going to keep coming to get you.
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#8 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts

I dunno how this game can get anything but at least an 8.5. It's awesome, and the only bad part is the horse riding from city to city in the beginning, which is crazy boring. But the game feels right, and the combat feels great imo.


Well IGN gave it a 7.7. Gotta say I lost a lot of credibility from them for rating it so low (well not technically LOW but too low for such a great game). Hilary (lol) Goldstein is a crap reviewer anyway.

IGN US gave it 7.7 IGN AU gave it 8.7 IGN UK gave it 6.5
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#9 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts

For me the game is deff worth owning. I waited 2 years for the game to come out, so i was very exicted about it when i got my hands on it. Ive found VERY few things i dont like about the game, and hundreds of things i do like about the game.

MassEffect is also a good game, but it does involve shooting, but not to the extent of Call of Duty and the Orange Box. It doesnt focus on JUST shooting things lol, and yes, its a very good game from what ive played so far (I dont own it, a friend of mine was lucky and got it from K Mart)

But nevertheless, id say rent both of them if nothing. IMO they are both must own games, but if i were in your shoes id rent them to decide if i really wanted to invest money in them. But if your asking my opinion, go by Assassins Creed ASAP!

Thanks dude. I didn't mean that ME is all shooting just elements of it are but I just don't feel like shooting stuff or anything and I like the idea of just jumping from roof top to roof top which I could probably do for ages just like doing nothing in Skate but still have a ton of fun. I wish Portal was longer :( the flash version just made me want more when I played it with my mate yesterday
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#10 illbitcrusher
Member since 2004 • 2052 Posts
Why is everyone saying Lost Planet? I don't remember it being very hyped/overrated at all