Do you guys know what Def Jam Icon, Ridge Racer 7, and the Godfather all have in common? They are all horrible games, but still scored higher than Ratchet & Clank. I've read thru every post in this thread and I haven't seen one reason for this 7.5 score. I'd like to give GS the benefit of the doubt, but it's impossible. Take away the game is fun, if you like platforming or not. On technical achievement alone this game raises the bar for next-gen games and that alone means it should deserve a higher score.
Edit: At least it beat out Genji, Phew!
Yeah, the sad thing is Genji was better than those games you mentioned. If a PS3 game is half way fun it will get hammered on GS.
Uncharted will get 7.0 @GS----that main character is too sexy
LBP will get 7.0 @GS----no story
MGS4 will get 8.0 @GS----last gen story
GT5P will get 7.5 @GS----too many flashy cars so that the trees are not beautiful
and the list can go on and on. GOOD JOB GS!
Uncharted will get 7.0 @GS----There's too much variety, you can drive, shoot, platform... I mean come on make up your mind
LBP will get 7.0 @GS----I don't play games that let me express my artistic abilities, I just wanna see things blow up artistically in a fps.
MGS4 will get 8.0 @GS----It just seems to me that this game would be so much more immersive on 6 DVDs, & wheres all the action action action, its not like it's a stealth game?
GT5P will get 7.5 @GS----The game is to realistic to be fun, I mean if I wanted to drive a car I would quit this job and get one that pays enough money so I can afford one.
hah i bought my 60 gig a day before they announced this...kinda sux a free game would have been niceMavlow
Pretty much any store will let you trade up if you want to, I mean 1 day, they cant argue that.
Did you notice the hottest selling ps3 game is COD3, why? And for that matter why are so many people intercoolers for their PS3s? Don't people know it contibutes to breaking the system?
I think the game came out before sony implimented analog controls. I had the original residnent evil & analog wouldn't work because it was before analog controls too.So I bought the director's cut off eBay that came out like a year after the original and supported analog and now it works fine. But to be honest with you for these old games using the d-pad works better.
wow.... a bunch of dudes getting off to a game character. What else is to come of the gaming world.AfgZeroVirus
I would normally agree with you, what a bunch of losers I'd say. BUT Nariko is hot. Especally in HD, sometimes during cutscenes you forget its a game and you start to think damn shes fine.
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