If you want to use the HDMI ports for your PS3. This is the one I have and I'm thinking of taking it back because the HDMI ports don't work correctly with the PS3. It's a known issue that neither Sony or Westing House is willing to fix. The screen blinks on and off all the time. The only way to fix the issue is to turn the tv on and off. The tv has the problem when you first turn the PS3 on and again when you load a game. Here's one I'm thinking of trading it for. So what do you think of it?joshphillipsThats your bad, you should have stayed away from the westy.
immikeulate's forum posts
[QUOTE="Jockss2"]any suggestions on a decent one that isnt that expensive? its for my bedroom so its not like i need something overpoweringtrininuyawka
The Pioneer mentioned above is not too shabby, but you lose the PCM sound as it had no HDMI inputs. The cheapest receiver I could find that has full 1080p inputs and outputs via HDMI cables is this $500 Onkyo: But if you do some searching you may be able to find it for less. But then you need speakers and such.
I guess you have to decide what's more important: full 1080p resolution or full uncompressed PCM sound. To get both it will cost you. Or you can give up the 1080p and go with a HTIB. Or give up the PCM sound and stay with the original setup you mention (HDMI to TV, optical audio to surround sound)
That Onkyo only uses HDMI switching which means it uses HDMI for video only (pass-through). If you wanted to hear HDMI audio as well you would need to step up to the Onkyo tx-sr674. Make sure you do your research from more than one place.i want to get a 1080p 40" Samsung or Sony Bravia only prob is they are like 2000 bucks a pieceDo't do it. I bought a 720p/1080i TV back in november just so I could enjoy HD PS3 gaming. While it was great and all I just always had this feeling like im not doing my ps3 justice so I went out and bought a 1080p TV and now I feel almost complete. (I need a HDMI receiver now). My advice is to just wait till you can afford the 1080p.
however, i saw another HDTV for like 1200 720p and 36" so im kinda temped to get that and wait for the samsung or sony to go down
i just copped it today at best buy, and it came with a pretty nice james bond toy car too. :DTheMatrix25Me too. I ordered it online, and i'll pick up after classes. I just bought a 46" 1080p TV so my night should be fun.
[QUOTE="814StopsToday"]LoL!!! Now thats a creative idea for a pocket rocket. I can see it now. Friend come's over dude why's your controller smell like tuna. Ahh i made a tune fish salad early I must have got some juice on the contoller. LMFAO...Disgusting but funny.You know, if you go in your girlfriends draw and get out that rocket ship looking thing, tape that bad boy to the back of your contoller and bingo, rumble's back and more naughty than ever
I am ISF certified so I have just experienced it first hand. You can most likely find out more at avsforum.com But since you have already bought it, I recommend just forgetting what I said and enjoying the set. Make sure you run through Avia at least once every couple months and you will be fine.BroweChisoxWhats Avia?
[QUOTE="immikeulate"][QUOTE="BroweChisox"][QUOTE="jhcho2"][QUOTE="BroweChisox"]Sammy sets with undefeatable dnie processing actually have the worst response time of the big three manufacturer's sets (Sony, Sharp, Sammy).BroweChisox
What makes you say the DNIe is undefeatable?
No there are particular sets where you can not turn DNIe off. Like the LNS-3251D or the LNS-3241D. Mainly anything but their newest 1080p set, but that set has nasty overscan anyway. Overscan? The LN-**95D series? Explain yourself Correct, the 95D line has a massive overscan between 3.5-5% on any input. While it can be normal to have overscan for non HD , or analog sources, it is not acceptable to not map 1:1 pixels from a digital source. When you feed the set a pure 1080p signal through HDMI, you lose around 4% of the picture all the way around the set. No other 1080p set does this, and it is pure laziness on behalf of Sammy. The set also has a massive green push which is near impossible to get rid of, even with an ISF calibration. Really I just got the 4695D and I hadn't noticed it (yet). But I have OCD so I'm going to research it now. Can you tell me where heard this? Thanks. P.S. I've heard about the green push, but that is only in defective sets, mine doesn't have it.
Hmm that sux for you, must have been some type of connection problem between the ppl you played against. I played online and had no lag and enjoyed being able to communicate with a mic. Its a fun game! Once u learn the controls.SeNyAeKsEIt is surprisingly fun.
QFT!Good News because i want the ps3 to do well so that we can get more great games for it. hooray ps3.
[QUOTE="jhcho2"][QUOTE="BroweChisox"]Sammy sets with undefeatable dnie processing actually have the worst response time of the big three manufacturer's sets (Sony, Sharp, Sammy).BroweChisox
What makes you say the DNIe is undefeatable?
No there are particular sets where you can not turn DNIe off. Like the LNS-3251D or the LNS-3241D. Mainly anything but their newest 1080p set, but that set has nasty overscan anyway. Overscan? The LN-**95D series? Explain yourself
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