Poor Sonic. You were the man decades ago when "blast processing" was a thing and not every system could run fast graphics....but that day is long gone. Sega pushing Sonic today is like LG pushing COLOR tvs.
@D_K Once again.....this is why 6 out of 10 Americans could not pay a simple $500 emergency repair bill in cash and the average household has over $16,000.00 in credit card debt......no concept of simple economics. And fyi, I am a blast at parties......especially if they have Barry Manilow on the Karaoke.
@xenomorphalien EXACTLY !!!! You are 100% right and that is the free market in a nutshell. The consumer must decide if their want or need for an item is more than the effort it took to make the money to buy that item. But the moment YOU pay $60 for an NES Classic YOU are not on the demand side any longer, you are on the SUPPLY side with an asset that can be turned into $300 with no effort so you must decide whether you would rather KEEP the NES or trade it for the extra easy $240 .
@ibonedyourmom No......I just said paying money out of your pocket to obtain an asset that is worth five times your cost the moment you take possession of that asset and NOT selling it is missing an opportunity to make money. All this will make more sense to you one day......when you no longer receive an allowance from your mom.
@skot_free accounting 101 .....missing out on $240 profit IS a $240 loss. It may be worth it to you to play 30 decades old game but he fact is if you do not sell it once it is yours it is costing you $240 just like it cost you $60 to buy it.
@wr3ckloose_ You can get a Raspberry Pi with Retropie preinstalled and configured for much less than $100 on ebay. Very easy interface and most of the bells and whistles of the NES Classic. Just be sure that you actually own the games you are downloading ROMS for.
@fanboyman You are exactly right ! Factor in the number of hours you must spend tracking one down and then camping out and you are probably better off buying one for $300 from a scalper.....unless you make $5 per hour !
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