Unlike many, I don't necessarily have a problem with DLC. That said, I find it a bit... uncomfortable that a company is talking about the second set of DLC for a game that's not even released yet.
I have to say I absolutely agree with him. So many studios start because of passion and end up caving into the business side entirely which often results in a poor quality end product.
I think Microsoft did a wonderful thing by actually overturning a few of their poor decisions. However, the price is still an issue for many when you have a similar product being released for $100 cheaper. From my readings, a lot of people aren't that interested in the new Kinect. While I understand it is something they are pushing heavily, maybe they should have two versions, one with and one without. That would allow a cheaper model to be on the market and take care of that problem entirely. That said, their exclusives are what will most likely pull people in, regardless of price.
I'm interested in this but have no desire to get Windows 8, so I'll just eventually play it on the Xbox One. Having it limited to Windows 8 is a total drag, though and I would say severely limiting your market on the PC end of things.
@orthodox1976 @Darkhol0w Not sure about Dark there, but as for me, I just enjoy the game and they update it frequently enough to keep me interested. It helps that I have friends and family who play, also. I don't play as much as when I first started, but still keep an active subscription. I don't consider it much different than playing something like a sports franchise every year or multiplayer in a game like CoD which sees yearly releases.
@cuddlyfuzzle @Darkhol0w They actually have a free authenticator app you can get for your smartphone and they have a dial-in system if you don't want to pay for the physical authenticator and don't have a smartphone.
I don't doubt any form of violent media can push a mentally unstable person over the edge. But note: violent media. I'm not singling out video games, but anything you may take in. Games, movies, music, the nightly news or even books (including religious texts). But for the most part, politicians and activists tend to only point out a select few media formats for their scapegoats.
Violence and violent people have existed since the dawn of time and will continue to do so whether these people have access to violent media or easier weaponry to do the job.
And please note that violent crimes have been on a steady decline for many years now. You just happen to hear more about them since we're a constantly connected world.
Sexuality is always a touchy and taboo subject. I can absolutely see where some people would be offended by the way some women are portrayed in games. Some games do push the limits of sexuality just for the sake of doing it. A lot of it may stem from both the development and consumer sides of gaming being dominated by males*.
I do think it is unfair that some games get singled out while others get a free pass despite having content that can be considered just as degrading or worse just because they may not plaster it on the cover or might be top-notch game or whatever.
I also think it is unfair that whenever sexuality is brought up in regards to gaming, nobody seems to think that males are portrayed just as badly. Where's my overweight neckbeard hero at?
*I realize recent studies suggest close to 50% of gamers are female, but that study also took into consideration those that play casual mobile games. I would consider a large portion of that audience a far cry from a core gamer audience which I still feel is male dominated.
There are definite similarities. I wouldn't go so far as to say they ripped off her look. But in a day and age of actors getting more involved in video games, it is easy to see where there could be some misunderstanding. I also think Ellen Page just gave a quick answer due to the fast paced nature of Reddit AMAs and would have probably clarified a bit more if there was a bit more time.
If there is one thing I've always loved about Nintendo, it's the general honesty from them. They realize that right now, in this particular time and place, they can't compete with Sony or Microsoft so they just focus on doing their thing and doing it to the best of their ability. That said, I hope they get a nice boost in sales once the big titles hit and can actually be competitive. Or hopefully after this upcoming generation they come out with a system that just really wows people and can stand toe to toe with Sony and Microsoft. They're the old kids on the block and can still show a thing or two.
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