For pete's sake don't pre order this, or anything ever. Let them actually release it and see how it is first. I don't doubt it'll be quality but throwing money at things that don't even exist is why games get released broken and empty. Relaaaaaax.
Right. It's nudity that will make this show bad. If not for that I'm sure it would be aces! The Hobbit shouldn't have happened and this is just going to be sad.
Thank goodness he didn't completely destroy 2 of the biggest franchises in history while figuring out it's good to have a plan before spending 4.2 billion dollars. Jesus did he really say that? If only there had been a plan. I mean, aside from those Lucas storylines they decided to throw out because they wanted sole ownership and resented paying someone royalties, there was nothing to go off. Except one could argue the entire extended universe was there for anyone to see, but kathy said there was no source material so the EU OBVIOUSLY doesn't really exist. Do you suppose jj walks away from these interviews thinking "Yep! Nailed it!"?
Campy?!?!?! Good lord! I'm not going to make a judgement call about the leaked script, I don't have to. It's been confirmed that it was real so go read it and then try to sum it up in a word. I GUARANTEE you that word won't be "campy".
Wether he was told to apologize or not is irrelevant. The fact is he apologized for accurately stating that Taiwan is a country. He either was told to or voluntarily apologized for saying something THAT IS TRUE. We don't argue about whose Idea it was at this point. This is where we recognize he is working to spread a lie and stop supporting both him and the studio. If we don't then we accept lies and being manipulated. Those are the options.
Ives74's comments