Just keep repeating "one or two games doesn't justify a $500 console, one or two games doesn't justify a $500 console". I do get that nagging, gotta get one feeling now and again. But then I remember the ps4 launch and the way I felt with nothing to play on this shin new console. It would be nice to play those one or two games with the new ps controller but I'm ok waiting.
At this point I feel like these things are being made knowing no one wants them so they can point a finger at the non audience and call them some kind of ist. Lizzy Banks went out and pre emptively shamed men for not watching charlie's angels when it turns out women didn't see it either. I suppose dexter's lab will be next but dexter will be an ineffectual little turd and dee dee will be the real genius. Johnny bravo will be killed in the name of stomping out toxic masculinity. Look, maybe I'm wrong. No I'm not, Yana Parrault is in it. This won't be a show, it'll be a platform.
This franchise will founder and die unless someone figures out how to actually create a bioshock game rather than shoehorn an open world mess into a bioshock game. With few exceptions open worlds becom mostly empty "create your own fun" situations. Bioshock was a highly curated set piece driven game. This will be operation breakpoint with plasmids.
Just throwing this out there, and I realize what I'm pointing out doesn't get you new content. Physical media is dirt cheap right now. I'm completely fed up with online streaming and have started collecting dvds again. The streaming ecosystem has become chaos with maybe 1 offering per streaming service that I'm actually interested in. They took parks and rec off netflix to incentivise subscription to peacock. Well EFF that. I got the whole series for just under $30 brand new. So now I have that permanently and they can't "terms of service" me out of it. There are a ton of cheap dvds out there. Go get them and starve these streaming services.
Seems like the time for this was about 6 years ago. Or maybe just sometime before we watched her fall to her death. I'm not saying the movie can't have any stakes because of it. It's more irritating that this is a character everyone has liked for the entire run of the MCU and she only gets a movie after the conclusion of everything when they need to milk the franchise some more.
@robbie23: dang really? I had intended to get a ps5 until I started hearing about this drift propblem. It has kept me from buying a switch as well. So disappointing. Sorry you're having that issue. Was wondering if you intend have it fixed by Sony or try cleaning yourself. I hope they actually address this but nintendo never did and there are some titles I really want on PS so I may have to accept having to deal with this.
Oh for pete's sake. Now we'll have mulitple versions of movies, collect them all!! Folks, don't buy this. If only for the sake of avoiding a precident being set. This means hollywood can start pumping out unfinished broken movies and then fix them later. Where have we seen this before? No man's sky, battlefront 2, anthem, fallout76, avengers, and nearly every other aaa game in the last five years. They want to patch movies AND charge you full price for each version. You're being played.
@KahnArtizt: there was no anger anywhere in my post but there was a lot of ignorance in yours. My post was about the sad state of the world. This post is about the sad state of your head. Pay more attention and you'll maybe come across a bit smarter.
Ives74's comments