No, he didn't have a problem with it. And very few people ACTUALLY have a problem with it today. The woke are trying to eliminate acting as a profession and just shift to documentaries apparently. You will only see people being themselves and anyone trying to portray another person will have to be shot I guess. At some point the woke will find themselves shouting at a room filled only with themselves. They are shrill and annoying and no one really wants to be around them. People would much rather watch old simpsons episodes, with Apu voiced by Hank Azria, and laugh. I'll take this shit seriously when all the male characters voiced by female voice actors have been recast. Until then these whiners can screw themselves right in the woke.
Racism solved! That wasn't so hard was it? Between this and renaming aunt jemima products I'd say we've got it all wrapped up. The thing is, Ralphy, Bart, Nelson, and Millhouse are voiced by women. The voice actor that plays Moe isn't really a bartender. He's also not a cop, or a sargeant, or a scientist. And most astonishingly, not ONE of the cast members are actually two dimensional. Every one of them has at LEAST three. So the problems go much deeper folks. Until those characters are voiced by real people who look and sound exactly like them and are actually animated I'm afraid this show will have to be put on hold.
This should be nothing but good news but it's actually causing spiraling. D2 was great and the prospect of getting a new version with pretty 3d visuals and who knows what else shouldn't make people say "oh god, what are they going to do to it?". It shouldn't make people go through the list of times Blizzard and other companies screwed the public with awful releases lacking content and loaded with microtransactions. It is though and Blizzard is largely to blame for it. Look what they did to warcraft. Then look at their stance on China. Don't pre order this and don't buy it til you know exactly what they've done to it and know exactly what you're buying. They don't deserve the benefit of the doubt.
@systemoverload: I've wondered that myself. I had a shield tablet and had purchased several titles for it. Eventually I got rid of the tablet. That software could still be used on a shield console but it doesn't really appeal to me and that software can't be accessed on anything else. Basically it's gone. I never understood why google would require a subscription to play purchased games. But then it hit me, they're scamming people who don't know any better. Google has become really reprehensable.
@esqueejy: You're not very bright are you? Yes she should be talking about it and she is for the moment. The the fact is she talks about change and the evils of the establishment but when it comes time to actually back up all that talk she sides with the establishment. She has betrayed the people who voted for her and abandoned the principals she ran on. She tweets about withholding her votes until demands are met because it gets her approval and then doesn't withhold her vote. She runs her mouth when it doesn't cost her anything and then doesn't deliver. She's a complete hypocrite and you don't pay attention.
Oy. This is not the person we need taking the wheel. She plays at being anti establishment and for the people, except when there are personal stakes for her. She didn't withhold her vote for Pelosi and she didn't force the vote for medicare for all after running on those exact promises and tweeting about how important it was that we get people on record. She is the very definition of an attention seeker. This happened, it got lots of attention and she's trying to step in front of it so she bask in it and seem relevant. In other words, she's another Trump.
This can be done with any stock. All it takes is enough "poors" to agree and buy the same stock. That wasn't a viable option until recently because it meant there was a very real possibilty everyone would lose their money. But these days people are so fed up they'll take that risk just to see the rich suffer. What do we have to lose anyway? The economy has been destroyed, society is shut down, and the rich are getting richer than ever. Several million people throwing whatever they have at an agreed upon stock purchase adds up to a lot. This will keep happening and it's a good thing.
I feel awful for the devs. To work so hard on something and and have it wind up being embarrasing because of their leadership must be crushing. I hope they are able to get it fixed so people see what was originally intended.
Oh the nintendoans will be angry at this. Not my intention but when did that ever matter? Ditch the open world stuff. Seriously, it just becomes tedious. Maybe if the market hadn't been so saturated with them it would be different but this felt like a focused game that had been diluted with a massive scavenger hunt for the sake of extending the play time. And as for the weapon durability I'd like to see it done away with. Seems like that's a really polarizing issue but ask yourself this. Why don't weapons break when being used by enemies? I think it was a bad idea but there could be a compromise. The weapons break stupidly fast. The durability needs to be ten to twenty times greater or there needs to be a way to repair or extend the life of weapons. You can already gather resources and combine them to make food. Why not a forge where you can use gathered minerals to strenghten your weapons? Also, provide the option to not deal with weapons breaking at all and heck with anyone who has a problem with it. The whole "my way is the only way, get gud" crap is just so lame. Maybe, just maybe some people want to play it but don't want a punishing experience. Maybe it's a really pretty world folks would like to explore without having to worry about finding a damn stick when your sword breaks after three uses.
Ives74's comments