@Crazy_sahara: You're not a bot. A bot would have put a question mark at the end of the question you asked. You're just sad and I'm sorry for you. You have my pity.
Castlevania IV. I spent many times more on renting this game than it would have cost to buy it. I could scrape together enough to rent this once a week and every friday I'd stop at the video store. Symphony of the Night is a very good second place.
I picked up an odyssey G70B a few months back. It's a great disply. 4K HDR @144hz. My consoles and pc look wonderful. My issue is with the smart functionality and their menu interface. It's a monitor, meant to display for other devices that connect to the internet/streming services yet it has those functions built in. Not only that, the remote has those infernal quick access buttons that can't be disabled or reassigned. Also being samsung, they are listening in to your conversations and have admitted as much. Their response to being called out regarding their smart tvs listening to people was to tell customers not to have conversations in the same room as the tv. And then there's the menu system. It's awful. No quick input change button on the remote, you have to go through the menu. While there are quick select icons, they don't seem to like saving the labels you assign so all you see is an active input without knowing which device it is connected to. This seems to be a theme with samsung. Decent functionality hobbled by awful software and some frankly shady practices. Like I said it's a good display but I'd avise not connecting the monitor to the internet.
I know they aren't canon, in their defense they don't claim to be, but I liked Shadow of Mordor and to different degrees Shadow of War. Although they are of a formula that assasin's creed overuses, I don't play AC so I'd be down for another installment from the "shadow of" franchise. It's not likely to happen but I'd be happy to see a new one without a marketplace or the insane grind the second one imposed.
@Akriel_Boulve: but WHAT you DON'T seem to GET is they construct the MOVIE before EXECUTING it. They wrote the SCRIPT and needed that dialog DELIVERED. You're not just SUGGESTING they use a different VOICE actor. You're saying the entire MOVIE should have been different when what they MADE was a huge SUCCESS. You don't like it and that's fine. They'll be adapting Zelda into a movie. Will you be expecting Link to do nothing but make gasping noises? That only works in games.
Ives74's comments