This guy is a moron. It would have to hurt their competitors for it to be anti competitive. The film is their property as long as the loans they took to finance it are paid back and if not that's another issue. They can do with it what they like and frankly, they need to be very cautious about what they release. They've damaged their brand too much already.
I'd give it a 7 simply because it breaks the flow way too often with walking sim/narrative dumps. When the game is about fast paced, fluid movement through a complex city environment I'm not all that psyched about playing games at coney island or ever playing as MJ.
@boodger: I get the same feeling about the idea of doing gears of war or borderlands. The stories aren't unique or all that interesting. It's the gameplay that made them fun and I don't see how to translate that into a movie. Emerging from the cave in BoTW was cinematic but after that you spend hours exploring in silence and learning how things work. That was the most impactful part for me, just marvelling in what you could do. They can't put that into a passive watching experiece.
@lord2fli: Yeah it's almost a different medium with Nintendo, they aren't really comparible. They get a lot out of mediocre hardware but 30fps honestly hurts my eyes. It'll make no difference to them wether I buy or not but unless it's a decent frame rate I'll have to pass.
Ives74's comments