While i am a fan of lightweight mice (mine is 52G) this thing is pretty ugly. I get trying to shed the weight, but the openings are too big for my taste, and not to mention, for $300 bucks, there are better choices out there.
I could have personally done without the "low key" bj in the episode, and could have seen a bit more of Joel and Ellie, but it was still an okay episode.
My favorite episode to date is still episode 2 however.
"if he read a number of comments here on gamespot, he would see pretty much every recent marvel movie or show, there have already been people bitching"
And sure enough, even this article (to no surprise) has "tired" people.
Oh well, you can't please everyone.
Good thing most people can make there own choices, and choose NOT to watch (if they are "tired")
Personally, I would rather watch Captain Marvel 100Xs, than to spend any money on most the movies released in the last few years.
I love my comic book movies, its something I hoped for since I was a kid.
While some of the marvel TV shows/Movies have been below par, I would still take a below par MCU movie or TV show than nothing at all.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments