Original Cinderella, was white... Disney turned her Black.
Original Blue Fairy (from Pinocchio) was white... Disney turned her Black.
Original Mermaid, was white... Disney turned her Black.
I'm sure their are others, but is Disney trying to distant themselves from movies like "Song of the south" or is it just the new, cool thing to "Blackwash" classic characters?!
Diversity is fine, but why change from the original source materials?
I would feel exactly the same, if Disney hired a White actor to play "Black Panther"
Oh well, I'm sure (white, Black, yellow ect) it will be a shitty movie... The current (and previous) Pinocchio remakes is perfect proof of it... No need to remake or re-imagine classic properties.
@j3diknightdave: Its not exactly like the series was following a dedicated storyline. Very few things actually stuck in the show or mattered at a later point.
was talking more about jokes/writing in later seasons, and the introduction of certain characters, Lucky in particular... never mentioned storylines, guess i should have been more clear.
good example are The Simpsons. As one said in an above post, The Simpsons haven't been good since the 90's... not because of "storylines" but, because of the quality of the writing in later seasons/episodes, same goes for King of the hill.
I would give it a chance and watch it, if they went back to the orginial cell art and ditched the computer animation... And, make it as if everything after season 5 or 6 and beyond never happened.
Does this still come with 1 year warranty? Love my Elite 2 but it's been back twice for repairs/swap at Xbox/Texas in 6 months. Only buy with 1 year warranty. Stick drift still Xbox controllers' problem since day 1. Need an Elite model where thumb sticks can be swapped out completely when they break, and they do break a lot.
what controllers don't get stick drift eventually?! I haven't own any console or device (such as switch) that doesn't get stick drift... all it takes is enough use.
Just another way for him to get another paycheck, but i ain't complaining.
If he continues to bring up the ratings, and re-hire some of the talent they released (except "hit row"... their shit) AND PLEASE try and keep Stephanie out of the creative decisions, I'm a happy camper.
It looks pretty cool, though i would have preferred the dock to be black, and for what it seems, doesn't include the game... but, regardless the design is nice. especially on the back of the device.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments