Another thing I have been saying, and to the people here on GS that said it wouldn't happen (you know who you are) don't know shit, and can sit on it! Lol
who cares.the only people who sub to these streams are morons. probably children who dont know any better with there moms credit card who also doesnt know the uselessness of them subbing
This goes double for ninja.
Watch their streams, and make these assholes richer. lol
oh well. It's a shame. Resident evil (the franchise) is one of my most favorite to visit, but has unfortunately not been able to come up with the right live-action adaptation. Someday i hope.
@lokar82: It's a little slow and the characters don't have the charm or appeal of the ones from GoT.
Granted the episode may be a little slow here and there... but as for the charm, Most of us has only seen the first episode, and the plot of the series to boot. Game of thrones had 8 seasons (8 years) and 73 episodes for us all to grow a pond, and enjoy. (for the most part)
Everyone seems to be complaining prematurely, Give the show a chance... it's the first season.
Do i believe it will be "as good as" GoT... No, probably not. but in my opinion, it's not "as bad as" some are saying.
Regardless, to each there own. I just have never understood judging something, without seeing whatever in its entirely. (with this being the entire first season)
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments