I love Sony's games, i still support and own a playstation (5 & 4) and just because Microsoft is more than likely going to become the owners of the Call of Duty franchise (among others) doesn't mean i will stop buying the new playstation's (especially just because of one game)
With all that being said, Sony is a bunch of whining cry babies. They have had the upper hand for YEARS in the "console war" and just because of essentially 1 game (CoD) they're getting their panties in a twist.
What Microsoft said about not taking Call of Duty away from PS owners (and Sony for that matter) i believe to be true... Why would Microsoft shoot themselves in the foot (losing out on all the PS/CoD revenue) after spending $70 billion?! The answer in short is, They wouldn't. M$ needs to recoup all that money somehow, and denying PS fanboys their "precious" Call of Duty franchise, would hurt M$ (right now at least) more than help them.
So rest assure all the 12 year olds and PS leaders, Call of Duty is there to stay (for now)
You better believe that i do see M$ having a window of timed exclusivity (3 days to a month) like the shit Sony is pulling on xbox owners, now.
I'm sure playstation owners can wait patiently... right?! lol (no)
ahhhh i love when stuff like this is discovered. Especially in old, retro games.
and the SNES to boot will always hold a special place in my heart. it was a magical Christmas that year of 90' (me and my brother WENT CRAZYYYYY!)
In an age of computer technology, and the internet, These type of things happen ALL THE TIME in newer games with data-mining and social media, youtube, ect.
but, us older folks remember, before the internet (and google for that matter) you would have to read gaming magazines and general "school yard" chatter with your friends to learn about these cheats and secrets, and 99% of the time, it was all BS... MEMORIES!
Nowadays, with little computer knowledge, you can uncover these type of things with some time and a little patience.
That's why when you hear about this stuff in retro games, it takes some of us back to simpler times, when a "secret" was a secret, and the developers didn't just "spill the beans" on twitter, because it was taking too long for "gamers" to discover these hidden areas, cheat codes, secrets ect. on their own.
all the big guys around the table are talking about how they are going to suck every bit of "lunch money" out of all the 12 year olds pockets... WE KNOW! Paid content and micro-transactions.
The funny thing is that these things will NEVER change the more and more morons throw money at them.
Having experienced first hand the "quality" of the materials used by Logitech in it's mice and keyboards, there is only one piece of advice I can share : buyer beware!
Must have been a dud, or a cheap piece of shit logitech product, but logitech are known for their expensive gaming mice.
with that being said... A console? No thanks. I remind you all of the stadia console. These companies should leave the console making to "the big guys" and stick towards something THEY know.
It would have made more of a impact and more sense to bring out Bayley by herself in one way or another... We didn't need to see the other two, Bayley would have shined on her own, why? Same reason why it was so big when Becky lynch came back...She was gone for a year, and she's a big enough star.
j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments