j3DiKNiGHtDAVE's comments

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

@lokar82: Agreed, But to be fair, I think Marvel would know how to use their characters, than Fox. As long as Disney allows a R rated Deadpool... I think we all will be pleasantly surprised.

Mainly because Disney/Marvel can use the character FAR more widely then a few leaser known or cared about mutants for the X-Men franchise. Now that Deadpool has rejoined most of the rest of the Marvel universe, there are more story possibilities / meshups...

This is what i am most excited for in relation to Deadpool or the F4.

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@crashchaos: LOL i don't care if the devil himself said it. Plans can change.

Doesn't mean that it won't happen, it just seems more logical to me that Disney just acquired (or re-acquired, however way you want to look at it) Deadpool. A MAJOR part of the fan base had concerns on Deadpools (among others) future under the Disney banner (because of the "Family Firendly" nature of Disney)

It only makes sense that Disney's president would put out a statement to try and put dirt on the fire before it spends.

Disney doesn't want anything to jeopardize the character before they have a chance to make money on it. Especially with how big the MCU has become, and how many billion dollar films their pulling out of their asses in recent years.

i.e Damage control.

They mind as well rename Disney, Marvel.

Disney (as a company) are geniuses, they have been around for nearly 100 years and instead of wasting ALL that Disneyland Money on reviving their classics (Lion king, Aladdin, snow white ect)

They invested greatly in their future with today and later generations by buying and absorbing other companies and their franchises. (Marvel, Lucasfilms & Fox entertainment ect) They knew that the classic properties would only carry them so far, they needed to appeal to a younger audience... the kids that are parents now, and the parent now that will become grandparents.

Another reason why "Damage Control" statement makes sense. they don't want anything to happen to their foreseeable bread & butter.

Again, I may be wrong. In a year or two, when the R rated version of Deadpool 3 is released by Disney or a Disney company, I will be the first to admit i was wrong. And there is a chance i am wrong... but there is also a chance I'm right.

I'd never guarantee anything 100% unless your the asshole making the statement... This is why he didn't give a guarantee, and just said what the "Plan" was.

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

@crashchaos: Plans can change my firend. I think we all can see proof of that in everyday life.

That statement was most likely damage control.

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@gamingdevil800: Possibly, but i don't see them wasting money on a PG or PG13 cut, If they end up making a R rated version.

Disney puts a lot of money into these movies. and i believe Fox only ended up releasing a watered down version of DP2, because they were trying to make as much money on the franchise as they could when they still had the rights...

Cash grab for the younger audience. Double dippin' the parents that didn't want their children to see the original cut.

Its also the reason why Disney may NOT make a rated R version...

Easier to make a PG13, hardcore adult fans may be a bit salty, but most will get over it (not me lol) and they still get the young audience with less money invested (not having to make 2 separate cuts)

but you may be right, i guess time will tell.

I'll believe it once the first red band trailer is released. +)

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The only studio that they recently acquired that has produce R rated content is 20th Century Fox, and while Fox have made R rated movies under their own banner, doesn't mean Disney will use former Fox studios for their own R rated content.

Fox film studios are gone. and i don't see Disney releasing any of their content, R rated or not, under a former companies brand...

Maybe to separate the Disney name from certain content, but it seems more likely to me that they will create a different studio (call it DisneyR,, Disney Adult ect)

or just wise up to times, and become A LITTLE less "Family Friendly" Which seems a bit more logical.

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I'll be able to "rest easy" after the movie is officially released, and we all see if Disney decides to burn the franchise in "PG" hell...

If i had to guess, they will do something to tone down the R rating, Probably a middle ground, like the PG13 re-release of DP2 "Once Upon a Deadpool"

Give me back my Punisher series with the same actors/actresses and violence, and I'd be a happy camper again with Disney/Marvel. I'm fine with the rest of Marvel, and what their doing, but was REALLY upset to learn of the cancelling of the Daredevil & Punisher Netflix shows. I understand why they cut ties with Netflix, I just wish they would have given us a tease or something of those shows returning.

Disney NEEDS to adapt to the 21st century. As long as they keep appealing to a certain age demographic, --->"forever with it dominate their destiny" <---

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$1.50 for portal & portal 2. I've personally never played either of them, but a lot of gamers praise the games, and for less than $2 bucks for both games, i couldn't resist.

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

There only doing away with this because people were returning photo copies of the disc and keeping the actual game disc themselves. The games were ending up on ebay for a bit cheaper than retail... Perfect crime. They finally woke up. It is a shame though how a few can ruin it for everyone. Lol oh well

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Edited By j3DiKNiGHtDAVE

"GameStop Is Still Struggling"

Answer: GOOD!

F*ck them ALL. Dime in a dozen. Do the smart thing and sell your used hardware and games on eBay... No brainer. Hell buy your shit on eBay. I've done it this way for nearly a decade now, and ALWAYS receive top dollar on eBay...enough of that "trade-in" bullshit. They have raped people on that since their birth.

Buying a game new for $60 plus tax, decide you didn't like it, gamestop will "buy it back" for $20 (if your lucky) next thing you know, its back on their sleeve for the another moron to buy for $54.99 (plus tax)

Meanwhile the smart guy resales on eBay for a "buy it now" of $50, after shipping (if you offer free ship) and fees, you'll walk with at least $40 (or twice as much)

People are too lazy. They either don't want to go thru the 10 mins it will take to package up the game and go drop it off at the post office, they would rather pay gamestop to "buy back" the game... And THATS the reason why gamestop has kept its head above water... Your average stupid, lazy asshole.

FYI, the "stupid assholes" out there are also the reason why the game industry is the way it is and has been for a long time now. News flash, IF YOU STOP SUPPORTING THESE TERRIBLE BUSINESS PRACTICES, FROM THESE MONEY HUNGRY PUBLISHERS AND BUSINESSES. NO ONE WOULD HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS SHIT ANYMORE!!! Gamestop would have been taken behind the barn years ago, and shitty MTX and any form of them would have NEVER been as bad as it is.

Also another reason why we won't be getting GTAVI anytime soon, as long as people keep the juggernaut GTA online alive, and the millions a pond millions they make on just adding a new casino or hover bike ect.

I can go on forever.... But i'm starting to even bore myself. Lol so i'll end with this...

Don't be a chump. F*ck these billion dollar companies that don't give a shit about you. Spend your money on something meaningful or important. And if you must waste your money, at least get something back for it than a slap in the face, and a kick in the nuts.

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seems to me its a pc sale theme, dick mouth. Try reading. =P j/k but seriously, if you did read, you would notice no talk of shitty console deals... Every deal listed is pc, and there was no talk of console.

Ahhhh let the flames begin. Lol

@Barighm said:

Somebody didn't do their research. PSN just launched its end of year sale which is larger and features steeper discounts on many titles from the Black Friday sale. Xbox also tends to feature a "12 days of christmas" sale, or some variant of it, which they've done every year since last gen.