@Kevin-V @j_kizi Its all good, I download the show via itunes and there was no disclaimer on that one. Anyway good discussion, i was also baptized at the age of 13, so Im interested to see how that particular event in the game will impact me. Keep up the good show.
@ @Kevin-V I haven't bought Bioshock Infinite yet and i did not listen to the spoilercast. But the discussion you had where you mentioned the baptism and all, that kinda felt like a spoiler. I hope its not a huge spoiler, but please next time can there be a bit of a warning? Or say skip the next 5 minutes. Otherwise great show guys.
I will still pick this up, enjoyed playing Mortal Kombat with my friends so this would definitely make a good choice for weekend gaming...plus some beers :D
As much as I love God of War, im kinda burned out right now. I think Santa Monica need to take a step back with the series and do something different. I think it would have been cool to see Kratos before he got the blades of chaos, maybe the game ends when the blades are burned to his flesh, or something. I would love to see a new mythology explored by them like Egyptian, Asian or Nordic. But I think Kratos needs a rest of at least 3 years cause for me the excitement has sort of died.
I really do miss the NES, N64, PS1 and PS2 era... Then again, I'm mostly a single player gamer and my multiplayer sessions are 80% with friends in the same room (yeah im old school like that..lol.. :P).... If this happens I might not be gaming for awhile till my internet can be completely reliable.
@Gothic-360 I agree with "wait and see" aspect. My concern is that, yes my mac/pc/tablet is always connected. But in the event that its not connected i can still use it, i can watch, play games, type on my pc/tablet if the connection is lost. It appears that you can't do much with the new Xbox if you do not connect. At least that is my quarrel with these latest information that are rumored...
Mhhhh.... No Rocksteady? Thats a bit worrying for me, but Halo 4 proved that changing developers can work out well. I hope it will live up to the masterpiece that was Arkham City.
j_kizi's comments