@Banyek @j_kizi Yea im really not impressed if this is COD next gen. Atleast the killzone gameplay on sony's press conference was impressive visuallly, (well to me it was impressive).
As a graphic designer, I found this video very interesting, its really cool to see how these studios work. Would love to see more videos about AI, environment creation, concept art and overall game production. Please make this a special feature every two weeks or so Gamespot.
If Sony doesn't do it, then there wont be any reasons for publishers to support the system. The used game market is really profitable for companies like GameStop and the publishers and developers don't see a dime from it. I think if publishers somehow got a bit of money from the used games sales, then this would not even be an issue. But lets face it the economy is bad and companies want to make as much money as possible. If Microsoft does it, many publishers will want to support that model. This is gonna happen whether we like it or not. Say goodbye to lending and sharing any game with your friend (or we could just exchange consoles instead..lol)
Just finished DmC last night. I actually really like the game. I have played all the Devil May Cry games and I liked it better than 4 and 2. Probably my favorite after 3. I have no problem with the new Dante, i wasn't attached to the character really, never really thought he had depth. But then again Im not the hardcore fan, so I guess thats why. But as a game (putting character aside and all) its really good and fun. Can't wait to see what Ninja Theory does next.
j_kizi's comments