My feelings exactly, would have loved to see an exclusive. Heck one or two more gameplay videos while we're are at it. Lets hope E3 will make up for this, so far it looks like PS4 will be my first buy.
@everyday182 Dude that is my usual sunday afternoons. Beer+Videogames+Friends, so much better than online play. The only down side is there aren't too many local co-op games these days, so mostly its FIFA, tekken, street fighter, COD (hey its got split screen), motorstorm, worms, castle crashers and vegas 2. If you can recommand anything else would appreciate it a lot (ps3 or xbox).
Gonna watch after work, it will be 7pm over here when it's revealed. Either way Im gonna buy both systems most likely. The only question is which one will i get first? Im not much of an online gamer, prefer the single player experience so online isn't that major of a factor for me. And when I do play multiplayer I still like old school couch vs or co-op. So lets see what games you have to offer Xbox.
@Imperiacommando As a die hard Liverpool fan, I must say I'm very happy that he is retiring, and that is a compliment to the old fart, as much as I hate to admit it, he is the best football manager in my opinion.
j_kizi's comments