I wish I could get into the first game, I got motion sick, which sucks because I never do. Game looked really good too. Oh well, probably wont be able to play this one too. Sucks to be me :(
My interent is not fast enough right now for me to comfortably transition to an all digital medium, maybe when my interent is able to download 15gb+ games in the span of 2 hours i will be ready.
I have two reactions towards this. First reactions, I am very pleased to hear this, now I can play killer instinct and other xbox exclusives without worrying about the interent connection, cause i dont really have a stable connection. I will definitely buy an Xbox one, (but not at launch, still sticking with ps4). My other reactions is that, I don't think they really did this because the gaming community complained. We complained weeks before E3 and they still didn't listen. I personally believe that they did this because of Sony's decision and the reaction they got from gamers, I don't think they are sorry about it. Especially after watching that interview with Don Mattrick. I don't believe they have or had the gamer's best interest at heart. But thats my opinion. Anyway, I will pick up the Xbox one sometime next year, but they have left a bad taste in my mouth.
@Shadowcreeper31 @crash1515 Its developed by Sony Santa Monica studios, so most likely it will be a Sony exclusives. But hey, stranger things have happened.
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