They did well with the price. If it was as much as the others I think it would be a big error.
Also, the move controllers and camera are required for only some games are they? Or every single game? Because I would most likely be using this for future FPS (Battlefields etc...) and things like Eve:Valkyire. But I can just use my dualshock for that sort of thing can I?
As much as I dislike the whole 'let's chop off chunks of our game before we release it to make DLC', I have to admit I have preordered and bought the season pass for this game.
Diversity for the sake of diversity is stupid. Make an openly gay character, fine; but when you say "look! We have a gay guy in our film" it is surely more detrimental because you're drawing attention to it when it is totally irrelevant.
It's like casting a black actor just so you have a black guy/girl in your film, and not based on acting talent.
You're trying to create compelling characters that have an impact on the story, not covering all your 'diversity' bases.
jackzor123's comments