It''s probably worth mentioning that the version of MGS3 in this package is the one with the MSX versions of Metal Gear 1 and 2 in it, so in effect you're getting four games instead of the five that were included with the PS3 version, not two instead of three.
@mattman127 The PS3 version was a respectable effort. Even on a 55" full HD TV, it doesn't look half bad. They would have done well to bundle in a code for Peace Walker off PSN.
At the risk of being the party-pooper, why can't people just let this game die? I enjoyed HL2, Episode One and Episode Two, and it's a shame the ending was left wide open, but I've since gone on to play other games and HL2 is a distant thought to me now.
I think if Valve had any intention of releasing a proper Episode 3, they would have done so by now.
@ExplicitMike He might have opened himself up to abuse when Diablo 3 first came out, but "hardcore Diablo 3 fans" are starting to get very thin on the ground, so I don't think he should worry.
That being said, we already have a HD version of MGS2 on the PC, so we're half way there to getting the Vita version :-)
@Sgthombre And besides that, the studio was given a decent amount of time with The Warriors. Games released to coincide with film releases usually suck, a few isolated examples notwithstanding.
@Blue_Donkeykong "Demon"? I think your choice of word there betrays your intent in this matter. Reading through that forum thread, I see relatively little ill will towards Tanaka. A few people who disagreed with his direction, but generally a lot of respect for his life's work.
I don't see much in the way of revilement for him in the playerbase, nor do I see any indication that he was hated at Square Enix.
It's not an unusual thing to start suffering health problems when you reach the age of 50.
@tachsniper The guy is seriously ill and you insult his name simply because your beloved Final Fantasy franchise wasn't treated in the way you wanted it to be?
I fear for humanity if the future looks anything like you.
jamyskis' comments