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jane_doe37 Blog

My Super Amazing Family History!!

Just to gloat, because it's the only thing I can actually gloat about. :P

Family Wikipedia pages :D

Yankees Pitcher Grandfather

7th Great-Grandfather

I think I heard about this guy once...

6th Great-Grandfather

Great-Great Grandfather

Great-Great Grandmother

People without pages: My dad, who worked for NASA during the Apollo missions, trained all the astronauts (including Neil Armstrong), and was one of many to go 30+ hours without sleep helping to solve the Apollo 13 crisis. Actually, an astronaut on Apollo 15 joked "Where's Joe Sundra when I need him?" after something minor went wrong in the spacecraft. :)

My uncle, who was a minor league Yankees pitcher. He has the same name as his father the major league pitcher- causing some confusion on occasions...

Also, my other uncle, who nobody knows, but he's been an extra in a lot of movies! He was one of the many in the audience at the end of 'A Beautiful Mind,' a priest leaning against the side of a building in the season 3 finale of 'The West Wing,' and he got to walk past Cameron Diaz on the street in 'In Her Shoes'... although that part was cut from the film. His car still made it in though! lol. :P

So, that's my family in a nutshell. Prowess in any of this seemingly genetic stuff?? Who, me? Yeah, right. :)

The Stressed Post

In case the title wasn't already a dead give-away, I'm stressed. Why, you ask? For starters: I think I might've somewhat wrecked my computer. I deleted this spyware thing, and then it said that files Windows needs to run properly have been deleted. I knew my dad would KILL me if he found out I did something wrong, so rather than get him to fix it, I decided to ignore the warning. So far, everything's been working okay, but you never know... I'm scared. *whimpers*

Second reason: Chem quiz tomorrow. My teacher hasn't even gone over this stuff! Quizzes count for 25% of the grade, and I don't know the material! I try to study it, and I just get confused. I've already sunk in my best class, I can't afford failure in just about the only thing I've got left to hang on to! God help me...

Third reason: Graduation. The seniors graduate in a week. It lets me think about how stressful the next two years of high school will be, and gives me time to kick myself for already not being eligible for all of those awards I'm hearing about. Whatever happened to that straight-A student I wanted to be? It's still what I want. I haven't changed any. I have no social life. I should be a perfect candidate for good grades. I'm one of those nerdy people who's so concerned with school and my future that I can cry if I get a B on something, but won't shed a tear at a funeral. (I laughed at my grandmother's, btw. Sorry grandma.) It's just this stupid frucking internet that's the problem! I'm on it right now, bittching about how I can't get off of it. Sad? Yep.

Fourth reason: No friends. Like I said, I have no social life. I've had one friend for the last two years- and although she can get kind of annoying sometimes, she's all I've got to keep from being a total loser. (Selfish? Petty? Egotisical? Yep. Sorry. It's the way I am.) And now she's moving. So, I'll have to be the friendless nobody. And next year, the classes all change. I could get stuck with all 4 of the sexy seven... I swear there's only 4 of them... no idea why the fruck they call themseleves the sexy seven... b.itches. Anywhoo, or I could get stuck with my arch nemesis in all my classes. Junior year's just gonna SUCK, I know it.

Fifth reason: The end is near... isn't it? ISN'T IT? Every time I think to myself, "okay, after this, it'll all be easy. The school year will basically be over." Something else comes along that's hard. A week ago, I had a killer project to tackle. Now, I've got this frucking Chem quiz. And where there's a quiz, there's a test. *whimpers* And then of course finals... *bursts into tears*

The Camping Weekend!

If you're a girl scout, there's gonna be at least ten times a year where you will have to sacrific a perfectly good Saturday of sleep to get up and do something girl scoutly. This week: car wash. And get this one- they double booked. What are the chances of having two fund raisers on the same day in the same parking lot??? Just my luck. And guess who we were up against? A Cancer charity. Girl Scouts vs. Cancer... who do you think's gonna win?? Ugh.

Anyway, I had to spend Friday night at camp in order to be at the car wash... where I sucessfully showed the worst tent-dismantling since we bought the thing. It was so bad that I just gave up on folding it and shoved it somewhere... lol. And then I got a tick on me, which proceeded my mom to believe I needed a full body search to make sure there weren't any more... ok, I'll stop there to not gross out anyone anymore than I already have!

Think since I'm home and on the internet, I'm done with camping? Wrong! I will be spending all tommorow at another girl scout camp, moderating a fair or something like that... yeah, I never have any idea what I'm doing until I show up. I just know that I will be forced to do this for 2 more years, because in my family, when you're a scout, you're a scout 'til the end. We could write our own musical. Seriously.

But, life is good for these few sweet hours. I'm watching a Vh1 Classic hour on Vh1... I wish I could just have the Vh1 Classic channel. I love all the old music. I am 100% convinced I was born in the wrong generation. Instead of being a hippie and getting to go to Woodstock, or be around in the glory days of classic rock in the 70s, or at least get to see Live Aid in 1985, I get stuck in this dumbass generation that rules if a song doesn't have the word "booty" in it and isn't utterly repulsive, it's not music. And those few songs that survive are completely underappreciated and butchered. Like at my brother's school concert on Thursday... the chorus director, Mrs. Whitcomb, thought it would be a brilliant idea to rip off the greatest band of all time by writing "Wikemian Rhapsody." Before it even started, I was like, "Oh my god, shut up." And then they do the song, and the whole plot is about a kid in her chorus who chews bubble gum and then she won't let him go on the field trip. Sheesh. But surprisingly, Queen is so brilliant that even off-key children hitting high b-flats, an inferior karaoke music track, and ridiculous kiddie lyrics can sound awesome.

That's the power of great music incarnate, right there.

I Wasted All That Time For THIS???

Well, finally got to see the episode of The Goodies that made a guy die from laughing at... and honestly, I don't see what was so funny. Usually I get British humor- sorry, humour- I mean, I love Monty Python. The cultural barrier doesn't really factor into it. It was just 27 minutes of BORING. Apparently, the specific part that killed the guy was this part where a scotsman goes up against an englishman in a weird-ass regional martial arts specialty brawl. Maybe it was just the interpretation of the Scottish sterotype. But really, there's jokes about that all the time. It WASN'T. FUNNY. And now it's late at night and I know I've just wasted oh so many days trying to get this thing all for nothing. I mean, I briefly chuckled, and only a few times, throughout the episode. Hopefully I can download some Simpsons episodes and regain my sense of humor... because it's sure not eager to present itself now.

And by the way, I still haven't gotten all of the Queen At Wembley '86 concert that I've been trying to download since spring break. Sigh...

Is This A Blog? You Can Do Better Than That...

Shame on me for having a sucky blog! I didn't really want to update until something interesting happened, but I figure, if Brian May can update his twice in one day just to post pictures of flowers in his garden, I can totally rant about random stuff. Like reading Brian May's blog. Yes, favorite band obsessions run deep with me... now if only I could find a site that had Queen comics like the hilarious U2 ones, Achtoon Baby. I f.ucking love those. :P

So, nothing interesting's been going on. Wednesday is the dreaded project... I think I have it all together, but it might be over the time limit... (groans) I don't wanna do it!!!

FINALLY got new iPod earbuds... sort of. Mine broke, and I was dealing with only like, half the sound power and only in one ear forever. So I bought a cheapie pair at the mall because if I just left the shopping to my dad, he'd compare quality and prices and reviews and technology on eBay for hours. lol. Anyway, the new ones are pretty sucky. They have a tinny sound, and sometimes they give me a headache. But I'll deal with them until I can get better ones...

Found a bunch of really, really old records in my g-ma's house. Like, they're in books. Have you ever seen books of vinyl records? Didn't think so. My record player's broken... waaah. See, I love the movie Almost Famous, and when I saw the motherload of albums Anita gave Will at the beggining, I ran to my parents' collection to see if they had any of those. There's only one, Joni Mitchell's Blue. But I still want to listen to it. :)

Random Blog Post

I was hoping to make my next blog entry like a last will & testament, because I was downloading an episode of The Goodies that a man actually died from laughing at. But I got 94% of the file (so close!) and then my dad shut off the internet connection. And since I was technically supposed to be asleep, I couldn't exact run out and go "TURN IT BACK ON!" And the user with the episode hasn't been back online since. :( So, until I can find out what this killer joke actually is, I'll have to deal with this killer joke: "Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput." (If you know what that means, add another number to your 'how to know you're a nerd list.' :) )

On another note, I was hoping that episode would kill me, so I wouldn't have to do my oral presentation in English class. I would've been fine with it if I wasn't assigned to present on the FIRST DAY of presentations. Usually I'll listen to others' and then tweak mine so it turns out to be the best one, but if I go first, it's gonna suck. And this teacher is the strict nazi one (Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput. okay i'll stop now) who has all these crazy requirements and expectations, so I know I won't do well. And I can't afford a bad project grade in my best class!!!!!!!!!! Anyone wanna do it for me? Please???

The Funniest Thing I've Ever Done To Get In Trouble...

I have no idea why this is hilarious. Usually people aren't cracking up when their mom is screaming at them. 

Anyway... my mom's always on me about not eating outside of the kitchen. But I never listen, because I never spill anything. So she's in the guest room when I come in tonight with a bowl full of ice cream, and I sit down on the bed thinking "what if I spilled this right now," and lo and behold, my knee hits the bowl, it flies out of my hands, I literally squeal and go "Oh crap!", grab for it, it bounces off my hands in mid-air, gets airbourne for a few more seconds, and SPLAT, face-down right on the carpet next to my mom. Who yells at me endlessly. But somehow, I thought it was funny. I guess because it's just my luck for something like that to happen.

 And then later I watched this, which made the day even funnier. I seriously cannot stop laughing at this:

My Prom Night Broadcast

Of course, it would probably be a lot more fun if I was actually *going* to prom... heh. Yeah right. I know it'll never happen. Tonight's just like any other night... I'm sitting on the bed in the guest room, still trying to download the Queen Live At Wembley Stadium concert that I never got all of after my system-failure scare, I'll watch MythBusters at 9 (#43 on the "how to know you're a nerd" list- I would've made it #42, but #42 is knowing the meaning behind the number 42. lol.) Of course, it doesn't really matter, since no one reads my blog anyway... I don't really blame them. It's been uninteresting since the beggining- even I get bored with it. I guess it's sort of like a diary, which I've never actually wrote in because I spend too much time on the computer. (That's probably on the 'how to know you're a nerd' list somewhere too.) So, I post my mundane daily life online for all- and by "all" I mean "me"- to see. :)

The Fun Stops Here...

First, the skies will suddenly grow as dark as night although the sun is still in the sky. Then, thunder will begin to roll. A sudden deluge of rain will pour down upon the earth, although it will end soon. But not all is normal again yet- the storm will come back, fiercer than before, as hail pounds the earth.

Sound like a prophecy of the coming apocalypse? Nope. It's just the bizarre weather we had on my first day back to school, all before first period was even half over.

Alas, Spring Break is over. Luckily, we have a half day on wednesday and no school thursday because of prom... but still, I hate it. I almost fell asleep about four times in class today.

Is it possible to love your favorite band TOO much?

I was looking at my Top 25 Most Played Songs in iTunes, and here's the list:

1. "The Denial Twist" by The White Stripes
2. "Somebody To Love" by Queen
3. "'39" by Queen
4. "Seaside Rendezvous" by Queen
5. "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen
6. "Stay (Far Away, So Close!)" by U2
7. "Seven Seas Of Rhye" by Queen
8. "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John
9. "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" by Queen
10. "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen
11. "The Prophet's Song" by Queen
12. "My Fairy King" by Queen
13. "We Will Rock You" by Queen
14. "Helter Skelter" by The Beatles
15. "Rat Trap" by The Boomtown Rats
16. "In My Place" by Coldplay
17. "Talk" by Coldplay
18. "Golden Years" by David Bowie
19. "Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters" by Elton John
20. "Give Peace A Chance" by John Lennon
21. "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey
22. "You're My Best Friend" by Queen
23. "Stone Cold Crazy" by Queen
24. "Killer Queen" by Queen
25. "Save Me" by Queen

Holy crap. Even I didn't know I listened to that much Queen! Yeah, they rock, but I like other stuff too... perhaps I should rediscover what else is on my iPod... I'm sure there's some other good stuff on there, right? Right?? lol.